Monday, July 31, 2006
I will...
Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love your alone in this place
Like there's nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on
And I'm not gonna stand in your way
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it still hard to give her away
I loved her first
How could that beautiful women with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But its still hard to give her away
I loved her first
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I'm going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first
**And to just think, Chris and I just about had one of those miracles smiling up at us.........That brings a whole different level of emotions**
Fun! Interesting! Beneficial!
For those of you Scorpios out there...

Monday, Monday... Bah dah dah dah dah dahhhh...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Ahh, Relaxation!
Friday, July 28, 2006
TGIF... Right?
Thank god it's Friday. I mean it....
You have no idea how excited I am that all I need/have to do this weekend
is relax. That's all. No running errands, except groceries. No sitting
in a car for 3 hours total. I can sit in my pjs all weekend if I want... I
won't, but I could if I wanted. :) It's so nice to feel this way for
once. I do have to do a little cleaning because Chris's dad is coming to
stay with us for 2 nights on Wednesday and Thursday - but other than that
it won't be much.
I'm really enjoying this being able to post by email. Thanks to Mr.
Husbland - he told me some of my personal information was online. I think
I took care of that - or at least I'll be checking this post to see if
anything is on there that shouldn't be.
Other than that, not much new. I'll try to post more frequently today... I
hope, or more frequently from now on - now that I can do this whole email
REALLY good Quotes...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Fix You!
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse.
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream, down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I..
Tears stream, down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I..
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.
I love this song.... Hope you other do too.
Better me, better you, better world...
1. Three things I can do to make me a better me:
1. Stop, and listen to others ideas/thoughts.
2. Be patient, and realize I'm not going to get what I want, right away.
3. See that my life isn't so bad after all, I could have much much worse.
2. Three things I can do to help all of you, or anyone else who needs help
1. Encourage someone to do something good for themselves.
2. Give everyone a fair chance, and not judge by 1st appearance
3. Always have my ears, heart, and arms open to anyone who may need me.
3. Three things I can to to make a better world
1. Keep a positive outlook on life...
2. Help anyone I am able to help.
3. Always approach life as a challenge, not a trial and wake up thinking it will be a good day. That makes a world of difference.
I tag, anyone on my side list....
Thursday... Already?
Alright so I'm happy to report that a blog I used to read, is back in order. Yay for Lindsi! I don't know her personally, but I came across her blog about oh probably 3-4 months ago and then she had to get rid of it. It was always interesting to read her blog, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because she's close in age, or maybe because she doesn't live too far away from where I do... I don't know where she lives... but I call a state, close. Especially in blog world. Anyways, I'm excited - I'll have something to read while I'm bored at work. Yes! Check her out...
Not much else to report for me. Last night was good - got a little angry with Chris but I don't think he realized just how angry I was - which is good. Otherwise he'd be stubborn and not talk for the day and if it was like that, no matter if I'm mad at him or not - it makes me have a bad day.
I'm really, incredibly, unbearably tired this morning. I'm not sure why. I went to bed at 9:30 and got up at 4:45. That's 7 hours of sleep - I shouldn't be feeling like this. I was going to go to Caribou this morning but unfortunately I need to save my money. Goodness, I go in there and it's $3.80 a crack for a stupid Medium Mint Condition with White Chocolate (You have to ask for the white chocolate, instead of the regular dark chocolate they put in). If any of you have a Caribou around your house/town... you should DEFINATELY try that. I'm not a coffee drinker, at all. I absolutely hate the taste of coffee... well, one day I tried this... and I was addicted. Today, I thought well - I'll go get breakfast in the cafeteria and then try some of their coffee, and just load it up with milk and creamer. I was wrong. It was absolutely disgusting. After tasting Caribou for so long, and you go to the cheap regular old coffee w/ creamer. Ick. It tastes like coffee drenched in water. I'll stick with Caribou.
Hmm.. This morning was one of those, oh I'm bummed, la la la, nothing's going right, la la la, why can't life be the way I want it, la la la.... because I didn't think Chris was going to talk to me much.. well, we got up and he did his bathroom thing, got ready and when we went to leave, we always kiss goodbye and go on our way... yesterday he planted a big long sensual/sexual kiss on me... it was a nice goodbye. I wasn't expecting that today, and vwalah... holy cow, I was getting kissed to death. So, yes that made my day better. Heck, who's day wouldn't be better after a nice kiss goodbye.
This weekend is entitled to absolutely nothing. Friday night we're staying over at my parents, just for the night. Saturday we're coming home, and doing nothing but relaxing, napping, and just plain old laying around. We haven't done that in forever, so it's about time some relaxation comes into play. Running to Chris's parents and my parents every other weekend gets really, really, old.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
It's Official...
Class schedule so far... Wednesdays - General Psychology 6:30-9:10
Thursdays - Intro to Sociology 6:30-910
I have to sign up for a Math class yet, and possibly an online English class. We'll see. I'm trying to debate what I want for classes for a week, and if I should do 2 and an online class or 3 and an online class. I don't want to bombard myself. I'm thinking of doing 9 credits. I'm not sure I want to do 12 which results in working full-time and being a full time student. I'm not sure I could do it...
I'm also concerned for taking Psych and Sociology at the same time... Has anybody out there done that? I'm worry I may get them screwed up whent studying, etc. So, if i don't take one of those - I may take the First Responders course on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-10 and Psych on Wednesdays from 6:30-9:10 and an online class, possibly english or math. Hmm.. I have options, but I have to wait to register for the math and englishes, until I take my placement test!
So, I'm excited - It finally feels on a roll. Today I wait to hear back from financial aid and my award letter. I'm sure I wont qualify for any aid, but it will be good to at least know I have the loans. Loans are good...
Other than that, not much new. Chris and I went to visit the college last night. It was really nice, and worth it. It's semi remodeled, and has a really nice courtyard. It should be good. It's about 13 miles from home and I figured out the backroads to get there - so I can at utt-most concern, avoid the glorious highways. Yes!
Our evening ended in a sporadic, Fuddruckers sounds good, well it's right here, do you want me to turn in?, I don't know... do you want it?, It's right here....... as I cut across 2 lanes of traffic, just in time to whip in the driveway, we made it... and hurridly turned into a parking spot and fastly pitter patted our little feet to get in the door before the 2 big families got in front of us. Phew, we made it.
It's all finally coming together... at last. My life is completing itself and soon in 2 years, I'll be in a hospital taking care of caring, lovely, sweet little children and giving my all to them.... because they'll need it more than I do. It will be amazing.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Five Things
Five Things in my Freezer
1. Freezeeeeee's
2. Ice Cream - Chocolate, Vanilla, and...another kind I think - yes we like Ice Cream.
3. Fish Sticks
4. Chicken Breasts/Legs
5. Steaks
Five Things in my Closet
1. Suitcase
2. Vacuum
3. Laundry Basket
4. Pillows, Sheets, etc.
5. Clothes - Of course!
Five Things in my Car
1. CD Case
2. iPod
3. Empty juice/water bottles
4. Gum wrappers
5. Big Umbrella for my 3 block walk to work...
Five Things in my Purse
1. My cell phone - It's actually on my desk now
2. Wallet
3. A Pen
4. Receipts
5. Lip Gloss, Keys...
Five Things I can't live without
1. My cell phone
2. Caffeine - Mtn Dew, Caribou...
3. Chris
4. Lip gloss
5. Gum
Nothings gonna stop us now... by Jefferson Starship
This world that I've found is too good to be true
Standing here beside you, want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feeling for you
Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that
Put your hand in my hand baby don't ever look back
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart
And we can build this thing together
Stand this stormy weather
Nothings gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothings gonna stop us,
Nothings gonna stop us now
I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you
Whatever it takes I will stay here with you
Take it to the good times, see it through the bad times
Whatever it takes here's what I'm gonna do
Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know
Put your arms around me baby don't ever let go
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart
And we can build this thing together
Stand this stormy weather
Nothings gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothings gonna stop us,
Nothings gonna stop us now
Oh, all that I need is you
All that I ever need
And all that I want to do
Is hold you forever, and ever and ever
And we can build this thing together
Stand this stormy weather
Nothings gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothings gonna stop us,
Nothings gonna stop us now
He's quite funny, and reminds me alot of Chris!
1 down, 4 to go...
So last night was a wonderful night... It was gloomy and starting to rain/storm when I left work. It was a peaceful ride home, no sun shining in my eyes and traffic was moving nicely.... I pulled in my driveway and it started down pouring. Thank goodness I have a garage! Soon it was thundering... I walked in the garage and switched over the laundry, came up stairs, started the roast for supper, folded laundry, listened to some soft thunder, went up stairs to our bedroom and put on my comfy jammy clothes, and checked my email ...and started the rest of the supper which was roast, potatoes, corn, and buscuits. It was wonderful!!! Every time it thundered, I got that little butterfly feeling that I was so incredibly relaxed and peaceful with everything. You wouldn't believe how good it felt. Then I watched a little tv and waited for my honey to get home... He pulled in, I opened the basement door and welcomed him with big smiles and kisses. It was an unbelievably relaxing, content, loving night. Tonight will be too!
I had a good weekend, other than a few bumps in the road with the boy everything went smoothly. We talked through our problems, which I think fixed alot. We went mini golfing on Saturday night... it was a blast!!! Then out to eat. We haven't done anything like that in the longest longest time. Chris appologized over and over yesterday for being so crabby lately. His job is really frustrating him, and he brings it home with him which results in him being crabby to me. He told me not to take it personally and he will try his best to leave it at work. His boss noticed he was really crabby/quiet yesterday and talked to one of Chris's coworkers and asked what was wrong with him. The coworker told him to go talk to Chris... So he did. Needless to say, Chris's boss now knows what is all wrong, and what they should have done a long time ago about their current problems, cause they all could have been fixed. Finally people are starting to stick up for Chris and realize his ideas 4 months ago, were a good idea. His boss told him they would talk this morning. Lets hope this day goes better than the rest... If not, guess I'll have to be my lovey dovey self like I was last night.
Yesterday I did really good... he was a little crabby, so I was a little nicer... it evens out. I sent him nice lovey cute messages all day and talked to him twice....and last night he told me, every text message he got, he smiled...and if he is having a bad day, he can't wait for 9:15 and 12 when he can call me... and most of all, can't wait to be home. So, that makes me happy... so this all makes me realize, like I used to do, instead of bitching or crabbing back at him when he's crabby from work which fumes into a huge mess... I need to be caring and calm him down. I did that last night... It works.
I like to be the one he looks forward to talking to, and smiles when he sees my messages. It makes me happier than ever.
Oh I love him...
Other than that, there isn't much new. It's almost 6:45, so I best get to work...hopefully this day goes fast... then it's humpday tomorrow...and it's all down hill from there!
Have a good day!!
Love you all,
Monday, July 24, 2006
I'm here...
I'll try to update when I get home.
Hope you all are having a good day!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thank you!
It's a toss up for what I'll be going back for. It will definately be something in the medical field - but I have to decide between my RN (Nursing), Radiology Tech (Do Ultrasounds etc), or X-Ray Tech.... I even thought about getting my Physicians Assistant degree, but I think that's far too much to reach.
Who knows, it may change along the way - but for now, that's what I have!
I'm here early this morning, It's kind of nice. I'll only be here for a half day today though, so it gives me a little boost.
I'm off to Caribou! Hope everyone has WONDERFUL Friday!!!
Love you all,
Thursday, July 20, 2006
YAY FOR ME!!!!!!
I was accepted, and I'm going back this fall...
Wow, what a HUGE relief!
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Inspirational Quote
I found this and thought I'd share...
Nothing endures forever.
Everything perishes in time.
So laugh and love while
you may,
Help who you can--work
while you must
And when the end comes
so be it.
All fame ends in oblivion and
is soon forgotten.
But it is fun to strive, joy
to win.
It is a challenge to lose and
try again
And victory always comes if
you try hard enough.
To lose is not to fail.
The only failure is to lose and
not try again.
46 Things to find out about....ME!
2. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes, when I have one of those moments where I just need to "wish" something.
3. When did you last cry? Monday morning - why, I'm not sure yet. My mom set off a spark and I was frustrated about other things with the boy. A mini meltdown at work...
(what happened to #4)
5. What is your favorite lunch meat? Summer Sausage
6. What is your birth date? November 21st
7. What is your most embarrassing CD? Hmm, I'd have to say William Hung (I didn't buy it!) or a certain chinese CD a friend gave me as a joke.
8. Do you have a journal? Does this count? I have one from a few years ago on my trip to NYC, but that's about it.
9. What do you like best about yourself? My eyes, smile, and hair.... It's really on a day to day basis though.
10. Would you bungee jump? Possibly... I don't know though, I get a little creeped out about that.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Ha! 95% of my shoes are slip ons of some sort... I untie my tennies when I'm done with them, yes.
12. Do you think that you are strong? Strong emotionally, or physically? Emotionally... Sometimes... Physical... well, that depends too. Considering my boyfriend is a monster - he wins every time.
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Anything with chocolate or brownies... Yum!!
14. Red or pink? Red, for sure.
15. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? The way I look down on myself...and have not the most wonderful self confidence.
16. Last person you ate with? Chris, last night at Olive Garden
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Dark brown pants, and black shiny shoes.
18. What are you listening to right now? KS95 - radio station, and Pandora.
19. What was the last thing you ate? Piece of toast and Oatmeal w/ Brown Sugar
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Bright Red
21. What is the weather like right now? Sunny and 90 degrees.
22. Last person you talked to on the phone? Chris at 9:15.
23. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Body type, Smile, Eyes too.
24. Favorite drink? Caribou Mint Condition with White Chocolate - or, Raspberry Lemonade.
25. Favorite sport? Depends, Football, Hockey, Baseball...
26. Hair color? Sandy blonde with highlites.
27. Eye color? Blue as can be.
28. Do you wear contacts? nope.
29. Favorite food? Fettucini Alfredo w/ Chicken from Olive Garden... Or Mac n Cheese and Pizza - yes, I still like little kid foods.
30. Last new movie you watched? The Ringer
31. Favorite day of the year? July 4th - or, my birthday... :)
32. Scary movies or happy endings? A little of both - mainly happy endings.
33. Summer or winter? I have activity favorites for both, so it doesn't matter to me. Summer a little more just cause the roads don't get bad and you can have your sunroof open and windows down and blare your music and sing at the top of your lungs, while your sitting in rush hour traffic. That's about all..
34. Hugs or kisses? Both, Of course!
35. What is your favorite dessert? Fresh brownies w/ Ice Cream... or French Silk Pie
36. Last concert you saw? Country Fest with a bunch of the good (new) Country artists.
37. What book are you reading? None yet, but thinking about reading P.S. I love you - again.
38. What's on your mouse pad? IBM
39. What did you watch last night on TV? I actually didn't watch any last night... surprising huh.
40. Favorite smells? Fresh Flowers or Something good cooking..
41. Favorite sounds? When my phone ringing and it is someone I miss or want to talk to.... or when a good song comes on the radio.
42. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Kind of depends... I like both. Probably a bit more beatles though.
43. Furthest you've been from home? Washington DC with my parents and NYC without...
44. Do you have a special talent? Does being able to ride a motorcycle and my boyfriend can't, count? Hah, I didn't think so .... so, no - not really. I'm not very exciting...
45. What is your ringtone? For regular callers it's "Safe in the arms of love" ... for Chris it's "Your Man" by Josh Turner and I have "You're beautiful"... "Lips of an Angel" and "A real fine place to start" ... In my phone that I've downloaded.
46. What are you doing now? Screwing around online, once again like I have alot this week... in which I SHOULD be working... Bad me.
Remember my whole patience thing, and him not liking it when someone tells him what to do - or him telling someone his idea that is better than theres and does work but they don't listen.... he doesn't like that either...and that's what happened yesterday at work and again today. Apparently he got chewed out this morning by a 'big' guy in the company because his parts that he was making and his department were 'scrap' which means they're not good. Chris is very anal and he measures ALL of his parts after their done making just a few of them so for that very fact that he won't send them to the inspection person knowing they're bad. If they're bad - he'll fix whats wrong. It eliminates a whole process of problems. Well - he did that yesterday - his parts measured just what they should be using his micrometer and he sent them to expection expecting a good report back. The lady came back and said, they're all scrap. They measure too big. He says how can that be? I measured them all by hand before i gave them to you and they were perfect. She proceeded to tell him that his micrometer was off. He had another guy check it... his measured the same and it turns out HER machine was off and all the parts she had said were "scrap" in previous times were probably good after all. Chris, as furious as he was went and talked to his boss. He told him - hey, these parts are not bad and she is telling us they are. They're not.. we measured and they measured perfectly. I think it's time her machine gets up dated before we throw out parts that aren't bad afterall. Well, if you knew his boss - he's a quiet stuck in his ways (most of the time) and doesn't listen to any new ideas anyone gives him which end result is Chris getting pissed off that no one is listening and yelling at him for something that could be changed but they won't do it.
Chris + Work + Him telling me to print off 6 resumes = Pissed off and looking for a new job.
I know his New Job spurt will only last a short time as his frustrations will calm down after it gets busy... but geezus... His work frustrates ME and I don't even work there.
I just get the end result of putting up with a pissed off Christopher.
Self Therapy, Relaxing...
I want to go home, get in my comfy clothes and watch the world go by.
I want to go home, put on my walking shoes and watch the world go by.
I want to go home, spend some time alone and watch the world go by.
I want to go home, change my clothes, lay on the couch, put on my walking shoes and spend some time alone ... while I watch the world go by.
I long for some Krystle time. I will receive that tomorrow... as I have a half day and the boy will have to work till 2/2:30. I'll have almost 4 hours of alone time...and I can hardly wait.
It's therapy... therapy that I haven't had in the longest time.
Another thing...
:) I like to come see a surprise when I open up my blog and see a comment..... not through my email.
shiT. Yes, I'm sure happy it's Thursday. Crabby pants Chris decided to wake up in an ugly crabby mood this morning... Not sure what his deal is. I know last night before bed I was trying to get comfy, and I kept stealing all the blankets from him (oops!) and finally he got frustrated and through the comforter on me, and grabbed his own blanket. He didn't touch me for the rest of the night. Then before bed, the air conditioner was being noisy. Well, to him it was. To me, it's the same 'loud' as it was before. Whatever. He had a fit, and turned it down to low.
This morning, resulted in the same. I tried to get him up... he wasn't very friendly, snuggly!! He got up...and did the bathroom ritual. In the mean time I'm finding clothes to wear, etc. I turn up the air conditioner for the day to high. Who cares about the noise, as we'll not be here. I was wrong. He came out of the bathroom huffing and puffing and did the "ughhh" .. and turned the air down. Whatever, again. I went downstairs to make his lunch.
He came down, didn't say much... pouted more than likely... I didn't really even care for a kiss to tell you the truth. If he was going to be crabby to me, than screw it. I don't want one. So I was getting ready to get in my car... he gave me a little peck on the lips twice and hugged... he said his normal ritual of drive careful, love you, I'll call you on break.... I replied quietly with, yes, okay, i will, and mumbled love you too... I was in my car before he even got to his truck, which it's usually the other way around.
He just makes me angry like that. I'm not going to have a bad day, because he is... damnit. I know work is frustrating him but man. Last night before bed he was mad too because I wouldn't rub his back before bed like I occasionally do. I said, no I'm not going to do it cause I never get it in return...and he said, fine - then I'm never going to take you out to eat anymore, cause I'll never get it in return. Fine, whatever.
Lights went out. And I woke up to a cabby boy this morning!
Oh well, he'll shake it, I'll shake it and all will be rosy again... Until then, I'm staying mad! If he wants to call me at break - fine, but if he doesn't... I'm not making the effort to call him. Same with lunch. .
Yes, I still love him, and no feelings have changed.... except a little frustration. Which, hey - who doesn't have that in a relationship?!!
Mmm, I got Caribou again this morning. I need a little kick start these days.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Just wanted to let you commenters out there know that I have turned my comment moderation on. So I will be emailed all comments first, to approve them. All of them will be approved - but there has been a certain blogger who I choose not to see comment. So, there for I turned this option on. It will probably be turned off again in the near future... but for now, this is what it is.
I hope you all have a wonderful night, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Chris is taking me out to dinner tonight. Olive Garden!! Yum!
Well said
What a beautiful...
Okay, I lied... Currently in St. Paul it's been storming all morning, and the skies are stilllll black. It's kind of nice to have it storm at work. Call me crazy, but I feel like a little kid at school when there is severe weather and tornadoes... You get excited. That's me today. Maybe it helps that I had my Caribou treat this morning, and I'm still living off that energy. I don't know... whatever it is, it's great! I even got one major project accomplished that's been lingering over my head for the past month. Yay for me!
I haven't talked to Chris at all today other than text messaging. He didn't go out to his truck on his first break because of the terential (sp?) rains... so he stayed inside. I got an 'ILU' text and him telling me he was staying inside. Nice boy!
I'm a little happier now... I have a half day Friday. We're leaving around noon to go up north. We have a few errands to run before we get to his parents, and it would just be nice to get started early for once, instead of sitting in traffic and having our commute take an extra 1/2 hr-45 mins. Our drive will for once go peacefully, instead of Chris's tension building up because he hates traffic...which results in a raging fight by the time we get to his parents. Hahh, that will be nice!
Chris has a bit of a temper when it comes to things like that. You see, he doesn't have much patience when it comes to idiot drives, stop and go traffic, someone telling him what to do, someone not agreeing with him, and someone well just not treating him well. I guess I can't look down on him too much for that, because that's just the way it is. No one will change it. We all have certain issues when it comes to patience. I am starting to understand him, and learning when to just keep my mouth shut. Who likes rush hour traffic anyway? He has a right to be impatient! ....I still love him....
I really don't know why I'm starting to talk about the weekend anyway. It's only Humpday, I have 1 1/2 more days of this left before I can even start thinking about getting in the car for a get-away. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to be anxious, now does it?
Other than that, work is going good today. As I said earlier, I feel like I'm getting alot done and I haven't been online (searching blogs, news sites, etc) and there for my concentration level is on nothing but work. It feels nice for once!
Alright well, instead of continuing this journal, I'll save a bit for later when I need to take another break.
Until then, I hope you all are having a wonderful day... Smile and be happy... It doesn't hurt anybody. :)
Thank you...
I just wanted to say, I know there are few of you, for now - but those few of you that comment on my blog.. really made my day this morning! I love to come and see who's viewed, or commented. There is just something out there, that makes me happy to know it's something, someone is interested in. If you all like this, then it makes me like it more.. There for I'll write more!
Love to you all... Thanks again, You make my day!
Psst...and for those of you that aren't commenting, but visit daily... let me know you're here! I'd love to keep in touch with you. And/Or...have a new blog to read! :)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There's no way on earth, I have the words to explain my love for you and to thank you for all that you do for me. So, I'm hoping this is something you'll see, so you can see how truly thankful I really am.
Lately as you have possibly been able to tell; I've been having some hard times, thinking about whether or not we're the right couple, or whether or not we've made the right choices. I think it's normal in a relationship to sit back and analyze and see if this person really is the one for you. It's those times that really get me thinking. By feeling those feelings, it gives me the honest chance to find what I really do love about you. I think that's what I needed; and I think I finally figured it out.
We've had our fair share of ups and downs, and trials. Especially this last month or so with the pregnancy and all. There is not a doubt in my mind that we would have been perfectly fine with the baby, and our relationship and unfortunately god took something away from us, that we wanted so bad. That was the biggest test between the both of us, that we've ever been through and guess what? We made it. We made it with flying colors. That's because we have each other and that's the exact reason of what keeps me going. Everytime I think of life possibly without you, I melt. I get that empty feeling inside, thinking what would I do without him. That's my exact question...What would I do?
I'm sure lately you could tell that there was something up between us, or that I have been acting differently and this is why I wanted to write you this. I just needed to get it out. This isn't a break up letter, this isn't an "I don't love you anymore" letter ... this is just simply to tell you that though I may have been feeling differently or slowing down a bit... I'm not going any where. Me feeling differently gave me a chance to realize all of the good in our relationship, and all of the positives I have in my life right now. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't have alot. You keep me on my feet, you make me succeed in what I should succeed in and you tell the me the things I want to hear.
Your welcome home kisses when I get home are enough to give me butterflies. Your hugs, are enough to squeeze me away and your entire love for me is enough to last a lifetime. I just want you to know how much you are loved and how much I cherish every moment with you.
Take my hand ... We'll make it ... I swear.
I love you.
Good Morning...
I'm having a good day today... I'm getting sick of this rollercoaster though. :)
Love you all, be back later.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Coming Around
I do love Chris as I always always always have, and we both know that. I think it's normal to have these feelings every once in a while? If anything, it only reassures just how much I really do love him.
As Stacy puts it "Duluth will be a good time. Relax. Try not to read so much into things. Boys are just a bit more dense and slow. He loves you. You love him. You two are working on it! You're still young!"
It really isn't that bad, now is it?
I can breathe, a sigh of relief.
Let me know, please!
Off to a rocky start
I hate it. Absolutely hate it.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
I have a 'Family Dysfunction at it's Finest' story for all of you on Monday... It's an interesting one.....
Chris and I are off to dinner and a movie..."See" you Monday morning!
Love and Hugs,
Friday, July 14, 2006
Good Morning!
Well, my day started with a blaring - ‘my hearts not ready for a rocking chair…I need somebody who really cares ………. Safe in the arms of love’ at 4:30 from my cell phone. Wait, scratch that. My day start last night with good intentions of getting up at 4:30 am. There was no way this was happening. I grabbed my phone, hit the button to shut it up for another 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes…. Until it was 5:00. I needed at least another ½ hour of sleep. I got it, and at 5 am, I leaped up and was ready to go. It’s amazing at what a half hour can do for you in the morning.
But, again for the 4th or 5th day in a row, I woke up with a headache. I’m starting to think I just need to keep a bottle of Motrin by my bed and take that first thing in the morning. Instead, it’s here at my desk by my keyboard –along with my 8 hr Tylenol that I used up this morning. I wonder what my co-workers think with me popping pills all the time? I swear I’m not a nut.
As for my day – I’ll be here at work until 2:30/2:45 and then I’m off to get home. Chris is working a full day today, so he won’t be home till probably 3:30. We’ll get home around the same time and then pack our clothes, the dirt bike is already loaded and we’ll skidaddle. I take that back… when I say skidaddle, I make it sound like it’s a hop skip and a jump to Wisconsin. Little do you know, in order to get to Wisconsin – we need to sit through an hour and a half of traffic inbetween Minneapolis and St. Paul. Oh, the joys of living on the other side of the cities. Yes, I’m being sarcastic.
Last night we loaded up Chris’ dirt bike so we can just pack and go tonight, so that’s one less thing to have to do later. My night wasn’t full of much. Lately this week I’ve been doing laundry every night an the dishes after supper every night… last night, I failed. I’ll have to do the dishes today when I get home. I was just pooped. Maybe it’s cause it was so freakin’ hot out too? I’ll take any excuse I can find.
Tonight we’ll get to my parents house around oh probably 6 or 7 and we’ll be welcomed by numerous family members. My mom is having a birthday party for my grandma. Gosh, I think she’s going to be 75? Or, darn close anyway. My dad is cooking his famous bbq chicken on the grill. Mmmm. We’re going to ride around on the dirt bikes too. My parents have one also – well, it’s more of an ‘off road’ bike vs. an actual motocross bike like Chris’ but it looks just like his, the only difference is that is has a headlight and taillight. Anyways – I’ll have to take that for a spin and hopefully Chris will learn how to ride his too. He just needs to practice alone.
So yesterday, when I got on the elevator to leave work… I was approached by a lady who I used to work with… She knew I was pregnant, but she thought I still was. She hadn’t heard the news. First thing she said was ‘How are you feeling!!?’ … and I replied, ‘Oh, I’m feeling good!’ … I just really really didn’t feel like getting into it again. Sometimes it’s just too much. I didn’t want to hear the whole sympathy rant, and have to explain when, why, who, what, where… you know. The ritual. So, I left it at that… I don’t mean to sound rude, but I’ll tell her when I feel like talking about it. Some days it just isn’t good to be mentioned. Yesterday was one of them. I wish sometimes that there was a central communication system that when something terrible went wrong and you didn’t want to have to explain your story, over, and over and over and over again… that it would do it for you. Hah, wishful thinking.
Alright, this is novel now and I need to start working. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Sorry if this post seemed like I was complaining a lot. Really, I’m not – and I’m happy! I just had a lot of other topics to talk about…and it’s Friday – I had to talk about something…right?
Love you all,
dang it...
I'll write more later when I have time.. I was just about done too. Poop.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
oh my...
It's almost 100 ... if it isn't already - and, I forgot to turn the air on this morning. It's supposed to get worse this weekend.... STAY INSIDE!!
I realized that when I walked in the door and was blasted with heat. Idiot me.
Talk to you all tomorrow.
Smiles and Hugs,
Another fun for the day...
I did the fortune cookie - and mine was ... "You're day only get's better!"
I think it is going to be a good day after all - see, I knew it. Yesterday was just a bad one. :)
Much, MUCH, better outlook...
I feel good today - and much, MUCH, better than yesterday.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Funny 4 the day...
Couples Love Horoscope for the Day
Choppy waters suddenly turn calm thanks to the beneficial influence of the stars. All you need is more understanding and less effort to clear up that puzzling tension between you and your sweetheart.
Maybe I should take that as a sign ^^^^^^ ... because this was yesterdays:
Couples Love Horoscope - July 11th...
Biting your tongue in a relationship can be more painful than it seems. Diplomacy is a useful tool, but an excess of delicacy can get in the way. You have something to get off your chest, so say it. Now.
----- Strange how that is, cause this all started yesterday... Hmm?
Should I take today's horoscope as a sign, and move on? I know deep deep deep inside, in my heart, I don't feel what my brain is thinking.... It's time to change that, right?
i long, to feel peacefullness and...
I don't know why, and I have no explanation - but whatever it is, is making me feel absolutely nothing. I don't even feel what I used to for Chris? Why do I think something like that, because I know if we broke up, I'd miss him uncontrollably? I didn't even get overly excited to see him last night... nothing - although, he was trying to get me happier, and he wasn't acting any different. Sadly-enough, he was trying to get me happy as can be, but yet he seemed a little on the quiet side himself. Maybe he could tell I had a little tension...? I don't know. I love him, and I know that. There's no question about it... but a girl just goes through these times every once in a while, I think. I hope.
Maybe it's my TTOTM kicking in, and screwing with my hormones, maybe it's just - I don't know, maybe I'm just going through one of them times. I'd really like to just perk up and be happy ...
Maybe I just need a little break away from him? Maybe just some time alone, would be nice?
How can I free myself from all the self frustrations and thoughts when I know in my heart I love him to death.. I may be thinking differently in my mind, but the inside feelings are what I'll follow.
How on earth can I start to feel 'something'....anything... when I feel nothing.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
late post for me
I had a class today, it was actually really good - AND, we ended up getting cheesecake from the cheesecake factory downtown. YEAH!! I had Chocolate Moose --OOOoOOooweeee, it was good!
Good news. No neck ache today. I took some Motrin right away this morning to hopefully stay ahead of it, and I think I finally won. Phew!
Stacy - Darling, Jeffy-butt is a strange one, that's for sure. Why on gods earth, after calling you all those times, would he show up at your doorstep? Does Scott know about him? Hopefully Jeff won't show up knocking, when Scott is there. Yikes. Keep ignoring his calls and hopefully he'll get the hint. Yes, it was nice of him to get you a card - but if you wanted to pursue anything further, I think you'd make the move. He better leave you alone!!!
Glad to hear Scotty Boy is doing good... and it's even better hearing you say that you don't want to see him till Friday. It's amazing what some time away can do for you (break up time)... you realize you CAN live without him. :) Yay for you....
Alright, this has gotta end. I have ENDLESS (literally) laundry to do and I better do it, before I have to go naked to work...ahh, that scares myself when I say that...and some dishes, and just some overall cleaning. I'm in the mood for that ...and that NEVER happens, so I better do it while I'm like this, or else it will be pushed to the wayside until Im unbareably crabby and sick of looking at it... which doesn't end up to be a good time.
Stacy, Stacy... Speaking of the Dentist.. I need to go there myself. It's been ages... I don't even want to know how many cavities I have. A girl who had 8 when she was 3... and 3 or 4 every time she goes to the dentist, doesn't get too excited when it's that time again! I brush my teeth too... I just have bad ones, I guess.
So - Jeff-BUTT ... That was kind of a downer.. So, my understanding is that he has a girlfriend right now, and just wants a f*ck buddy?! Correcto? If so... that's low. Big time. You can do better than that... I know Scott was that way for a while, but you guys had a previous relationship... this guy, you had never met .. men, I tell ya.
Glad to hear things are going good with Scott. Maybe he just needed that time, and he needs to come around a bit. ya know...and give him time with his friends too. Hopefully he'll get up the courage and tell them how it is. If he truly loves you, he will do that. Maybe he's scared to? Who knows... just give it time, and all should be good. He seems really sincere with what he has been telling you, and he's the one asking to come over, and offering things. I think things are hopping on board again... Good, I'm glad... it makes me happy when you're happy.
Like you said.. just take things as they come, and see how you like it. If you don't like the direction they're headed in...then it's time to move on. Maybe his friends know you're trying to better him, and maybe that's the reason he's back again... maybe he wants to better himself.
I have a class today from 1-4 and so much crapola to I best get working...I'll check back frequently, hopefully. And, if my headache/neckache comes back... I'm going home, and that's that. There is nothing worse than looking into a computer screen, and trying to concentrate when your neck and head are ready to twist off, and fly away.
Love you! (all!)
Monday, July 10, 2006
neck ache, neck ache.....
Goodness, it's just not leaving me. I don't know how it started, or what I did wrong - but whatever it is... it came on full force in a matter of, well - seconds.
I took 2 8hr Tylenols at 650 mg each... about an hour and a half ago - I went to lunch with my mom, went shoe shopping, and stopped at Mickey D's and had myself a Cheeseburger - we got back to work, neck ache is worse as ever.... Popped 4 Motrin at 200 mg each... This should so help me god, take it away.
Thankfully I have a back/neck thing that's sits on my shoulders and it vibrates. It could kick in here any time soon.....before my head twists around, and around, and around, and.....
The vibrator part is RIGHT on my knot... it's astonishing pain... hopefully it's getting the knot out. *crossing fingers*
Stacy, I'll be back later to write specifically to you...and 10-4 on the email address. I change that up. I'd write to you now, but I don't think my mind can handle it right now.
Love you all...
11:12 am CDT
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Mine wasn't all too eventful - except a big purchase made by Chris. No, not a wedding ring. Shucks! But, he has $2000 sitting around because he just sold a fishing boat - and he was either going to a.) buy himself a new set of rims/tires for his truck or b.) buy a toy. Now when I say toy, I mean... Snowmobile (his 2nd), Dirtbike, or some other god for saken thing. After the tire/rim deal fell through - he was frustrated and wanted to go look at Bristow's... a sport store... Much to my surprise, we came home with this... It's kind of a rough picture, but you can see it behind the green pole things. It's red, yellow and black.... It's a used 2001 Honda CR250...and let me tell you, it's ALLLL Motocross. It's got the real high pitched sound that those bikes have. And you want to know the BEST part???
I'm the only one that knows how to drive it!!!!! Muahhaahhaahhaa! He can't drive a manual transmission, nor has he ever driven a motorcycle. But me, being the country girl I am - have done both. So, needless to say... I think I will have to take it for a spin. He'll learn, and I have no worries that he'll catch right on. He just needs to get on, and do it himself. He bought this because he wants to get a real motorcycle next year... So this was a good buy!
Yay! Other than that... I applied for a few part-time jobs to make some extra mullah to pay off some Credit Cards, and ... I'm going to apply for school. We'll see if I can afford the college application this week... otherwise I'll have to move that to next. Money... who ever said we need to live off of it...should be hurt.
That's all for now, folks. Have a great day!
Have a wonderful day!
11:18 am CDT
How's Scott-Butt... ? Well, I suppose we can't call him that anymore, now can we?! :)
How was Jeffy?
:) Can't wait to hear details....
Friday, July 07, 2006
Sorry to hear you were so sick, that would explain why you were MIA. Super duper glad to hear you and Scott are on good terms again. As for your the show, and boomerangs thing - now, me myself, being the always taking the ..hey, this means this or that.. Or, well - I read my horoscope everyday, and take it for granted .. if it says I'm going to have a good day, then I'm going to have a good day... ANYWAY, sorry - got a little off tangent, but If I were in your position, I would be taking it as.. how you were thinking it.. that you knew things would end up this way afterall. There is a reason for everything and clearly, maybe he just needed that time away. You know?
Yay for you...and I hope it all continues to go well. I have a headache again today, and it's driving me absolutely crazy. I've taken 2 8hr tylenols again - hopefully they'll kick in soon. I did think about going to McDonalds though - a McFlurry sounds kind of good - although, considering I had DQ last night at 8:30 and Chicken and Cheese Quesadillas today for lunch...I don't know if that would be such a wise choice. Oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do - right?
Sorry to hear you had such a downer 4th... And, I'm sure it's been a crazy week thoug - although, look .. yes, it was a year since you told Ed you wanted a Divorce, but - it's also the week Scott wanted to get back together. Play hard to get girl...
He'll stick around then.
Love you, and Get better... Got it!
Yey, or Nay?
new blog template?
Maybe it helps that it's payday too. That's always an upper.
Me and my Caribou are doing well this morning, and I'm off to a good start. I need a bit of a kick start, since this week we haven't done anything but get to bed too late. I don't understand it... we know we're tired the next am when we stay up, but some reason the clock is always between 10 and 10:30 when we hit the pillow. With getting up at 4:45, it should be between 8:30 and 9. Oh well, live and learn, live and learn. Oh, speaking of extra sleep. I have been having headaches quite frequently lately - actually to the point that my Tylenol 8 hr 2 650mg pills were not doing justice, neither was my motrin, that gee - it dawned on me. Sleep, I need sleep. They had a special on tv about it that when you get headaches, the best medicine is sleep. You should get at least 7 hrs a night. I was getting maybe, at most 6. Better work on that.
As for my week, it was great. Nothing real big, since it was a short one. Tonight, we're back up to St. Cloud to Chris's parents. They traded trucks for the past 3 days - they may be interested in buying Chris's and Chris buying theirs... so, they thought they'd trade for a few days to see if they liked them. Not sure what's going to happen. I can finally get my keys back - I left them in Chris's glovebox of his truck... thank goodness I had a dinky spare to use. It wouldn't have been the first time I left my keys hours away. Idiot. This weekend will probably not entitle much. I just want to relax. It seems we've just been running and running this week and it would just be nice to lay low. A movie would be fun, or matter of fact - go rent one, and watch it snuggled up at home. Hey, speaking of snuggling - oooh, I didn't make Chris very happy last night. Before bed, I wanted him to look at hotels in Duluth, cause I wanted to show him something - well, I grabbed the mouse (kind of out of his hand..oops) and he hates that. So he stood up, and pushed the keyboard in and said, if you want to use the computer sit here. Well in the mean time, he stubbed his wrist when he got up, between the keyboard tray and the chair... it didn't equal out to a good thing. Then, I got mad cause he acted so stupid about me touching the mouse... So, I just shut the computer off. We got in bed... I was still frustrated with him, that he makes that big of deal of me touching the computer when he's using it, that I didn't talk a whole lot. I told him I was frustrated. He tried to make me laugh, and all night before bed he said he wanted to snuggle tonight... so, as we're laying in bed - all of a sudden I feel a leg by mine, soon followed by an arm around my body, pulling me close to his..... I liked it, I really did... as a matter of fact, I loved it. I always love snuggling... but being the dumbass I am, I kind of jokingly said - "Who says you can Snuggle with me?"... he said something else, and I said it again... then he got pouty and said.."Fine, I won't snuggle... I'll just go over here." And, we woke up this morning, and he was still in the same spot... over there.
We did snuggle a little this morning though - but he still claims 'I don't love him'...he's kidding when he says that, incase any of you are wondering... since, I wouldn't let him snuggle. Men!
So we said our goodbye this morning, and kiss each other away...until, we meet at our usual stoplight when it's red. Today it was red... So I stopped, then the other way started to turn yellow - and Chris wasn't up to the light yet, so I left .. thinking our light was going to turn Green within seconds. Guess what, it didn't. Instead, the other side got a green left arrow... There I went, up the road...and there Chris sat, at the stoplight. We could have talked... I felt bad. When I talk to him tonight, it will be another case of 'You don't love me'... cause I left at the light. I sent him a text saying 'Sorry, I really do love u.' That kind of crap always works out to my disadvantage. My poor boy! I just want to kiss him..and hug him..and tell him I love him!
Alright it's 6:47 am, and I got here a half hour ago and have done nothing but catch up on blogs, and write in mine. Me...have a blog/concentration problem...I think so.
Hope whoever is reading this, has a fabulous day... and weekend, if I don't get a chance to make another post today.
Love you all - even though I may not know you - everyone deserves some love...
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I have...
...a killer headache. I took two Tylenol 8 Hr - 650 mg each = 1300 mg... you would think it would kick in soon? Nope.
...the need for a kiss from my boy. I just want one. And, a hug too. I guess.
...the want for people to read AND comment on my blog. I want some blogger friends, but apparently no ones wants to be blogbuddies. How come?
she moves me like a memphis soul song...
okay, so it's song week... sorry.
Speaking of last night - lately I have been telling Chris that I would love a nice weekend away upnorth in Duluth... I've hinted it here and there, but just left it be and figured he could take the next step to mention it again. Well - yesterday at lunch when I was talking to him - he said.. hmm, you know - Famous Daves sounds really good tonight, maybe we'll go out to eat. Alright, fabulous! Famous Daves it was! ... We got there, all was good and we were eating... the hostess ended up giving us a table that seats like 6, and it was round - so, Chris sat by me. He said... I kind of like this table, I can sit by you! Then.. he said.. "I tell you what... why don't you start looking at hotels and bed and breakfasts' in Duluth, and get a place figured out. We'll go to Duluth for the weekend...! And then, when we got home... he had this song playing... and we sat and listened to it... Certain parts, he'd have tears rolling down his cheek. He is such an emotional person - you'd never know it. So, all in all - last night was wonderful. And, now - I can start looking for places in Duluth... Ahh, I'm so happy.
Duluth... Check it out! That is the long island, that the harbor is on - It's so relaxing, and beautiful!....Here are some more pictures from there.... Sunset, Various Harbor Pictures .... You get the picture.. :)
Here's that song:
Memphis Soul Song by Uncle Kracker
Lookin' back on everything
And all the things that stay
I can count on memories
Cuz they don't go away
Good times were hard to hold
Until she came along
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
I'm not always there I know
But she don't mind at all
As pretty as a picture that hangs on my own wall
She's like Mississippi
When the sun comes up at dawn
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
With an angel on my left side and the devil on my right
She's the one who saves me from them dark unholy nights
Of all the ones who've left me it's a wonder she's not gone
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
She don't care what the game is
She's always down to play
My world without her seems a million miles away
She don't have to worry
I know where I belong
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
I've been dealt some aces
And I've played them all the same
But she's the only one that keeps me in the game
No fame or fortune could ever keep me gone
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
With an angel on my left side and the devil on my right
She's the one who saves me from them dark unholy nights
Of all the ones who've left me it's a wonder she's not gone
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
There's a magic down in Memphis
That never seems to fade
Even now them voices carry
Like a lonely serenade
It's the memories that still and always will be on my mind
They move me every time
She sees the good in everything there is to see
Sometimes I wonder what she ever see's in me
I'm not always right you know
But she's never led me wrong
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
In all my travels I've never found a way
To find the words that say the things I'd like to say
I've sang some melodies but she's my favorite one
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
With an angel on my left side and the devil on my right
She's the one who saves me from them dark unholy nights
Of all the ones who've left me it's a wonder she's not gone
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
She moves me like a Memphis soul song
Yes, I love that song.
If you go to the right of the page - you can listen to partof it. Just click on "Memphis Soul Song" ... or go to Pandora - it's a web song database thing, and you can click the minimize button above the box - then X out of the main browser... so you just have that little box. Anyway - click search... or "Create a New Station" and type in either Uncle Kracker or Memphis Soul Song - and it should eventually come up!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
STACY a little while....
I'll be thinkin about you ... I'll be thinkin about you, baby...
Dancin' in the dark...
Takin' your heart
And holdin' it tight
Emotional touch
Touchin' my skin
And askin' you to do
What you've been doing all over again
Oh it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know
What it is that won't let me go
It's your love
It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder about the spell I'm under
Oh it's your love
Better than I was
More than I am
And all of this happened
By takin' your hand
And who I am now
Is who I wanted to be
And now that we're together
I'm stronger than ever
I'm happy and free
Oh it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
And if you asked me why I changed
All I gotta do is say your sweet name
It's your love
It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder about the spell I'm under
Oh it's your love
Oh, Baby
Oh…Oh it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know
What it is that won't let me go
It's your love
It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder about the spell I'm under
Oh it's your love
It’s Your Love,
It’s Your Love.
and, I feel like communicating with lots of people.
Not sure what my deal is today, but whatever it is - I like it.
update at last
Our weekend was finished off with a nice view from our own place of beautiful beautiful big high in the sky bright fireworks, put on by the local golf club. We had the perfect spot - the trees were seperated just right... A perfect view, from the comforts of home.
Oh, a great weekend - it was!
Hope you all had a great one too... :)
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