Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday, Monday... Bah dah dah dah dah dahhhh...

....Yes, that's a song!  Hah.
Well Good Morning - It's 6:40 am.  I was awake throughout the night... I just couldn't sleep for some reason.  I had a few scary dreams that I was in North Minneapolis and getting shot at... then, fell asleep for another 15 minutes and awoke to a dream where I was out in a field and a tornado was coming, and one person had gotten sucked up into it and killed, and my job was to grab ahold of the middle of it and stop it - when low and behold, I was being sucked up and killed.  I woke up, shaking.  Then, I needed someone to cuddle with, so I turned over to snuggle up to Chris and I touched his side and he freaked... He must have been having a bad dream too, and he was shaking and crying, and mumbling - still not sure what he was saying - so then, I calmed him down a bit..... snuggled back up, and went back to sleep or I tried for the last two hours of the night.  There for I tossed and turned and laid awake for probably 90% of the night - and surprise surprise, I think I can honestly say I'm not tired this morning.  Yah!
Hmm, so I suppose you would like to know how my weekend went.  It was good.  Besides the severe heat and humidity, we didn't go outside much.  It was nice to relax inside, watch tv, play playstation, sit on the computer, and not have to drive across country to get to where we're going, only to return home 2 days later.  It was nice.  Friday night we, lets see... we had supper and for the life of me, I can't remember what we had.  Gosh, that's going to drive me crazy.  Anyways, Saturday we laid around relaxed all day  ... slept in until 9 am... Yes, that's sleeping in for us, when we usually get up at 4:30 every morning.  We ran to St. Paul to a Credit Union, then decided since my dad was working until 12 and he was 5 minutes away and he would be surprised as ever if we surprised, we parked across from him and my uncle and a few other guys (they carpool) ... My uncle walked out of work, Chris and I got out and my uncle was shocked as can be... then my dad came walking out... He was getting in and did a double take on my car, like what the hell??  And, he looked over at us, his mouth dropped with a smile and it was .. Ah, well, ah, Hi Guys!!!  We couldnt' visit long, cause he had to get his carpool home -but it was nice to see him smile like that!! :)  Chris took me out to Champps, a sports bar and grill for those of you not around this area, and for supper - I can't remember what we had that night either.  Do I have a terrible memory this morning, or what?  Yesterday, we got groceries and relaxed some more... I was a little crabby for some reason, and we figured out why.  It's a work in progress!  Chris bought me bubble bath stuff with tranquility and calming oils... I'm going to do that tonight.  So, anyways - we went grocery shopping - came home, dropped off the food then ran to the movie store and rented a playstation game... Playboy: The mansion... hah, I have to say - it's nothing special, but it's kind of funny.  It's just like playing the Sims.  And, we rented Benchwarmers.  We're going to watch that tonight.  Then at about oh 5, Chris was making supper and I ran to Walmart again to get a different game that he was going to buy.  Jaws: Unleashed.  Yes, sounds stupid - but it's actually a good game to get your angry out with.  Hah!  We're usually not playstation people like that... Usually it gets played a max of 3 times a month - but every once in a while we get into one of those kicks.  Gotta have them once in a while.... Then, finally for supper last night we had roasted chicken with Famous Daves Chicken/Poultry seasoning (MMMMMmmmm!!!!!!!!), Potato wedges, and corn.... It was super good.  Oh man... favorite meal.  So, all in all - I have to say, it was a pretty darn good weekend, aside from me being a crab head for a little while.  Rrr, I have to shake that!
So, this week - Not much going on.  Got some meals for supper - We're going to have baked crispy chicken, with waffle fries and seasoned sour cream one night... super good hamburger stroganoff on Wednesday night when Chris's dad is there - and something else for another night. Can't remember though.  Goodness, where has my memory gone!!
Other than that- there isn't much going on.  I'm going to try 150% to not be so crabby towards Chris.  I don't know why I'm this way right now.  Maybe it's hormones.  Whatever it is... He told me yesterday that I've been a crabby bitch towards him, but he stays with me cause he loves me.  I better get fixing myself, huh!
Really I'm not a crabby nut - I'm just in a rut this last week or so..... I told Chris I just need some more hugs and kisses when I get like that.  It shuts me up... that's for sure.
This morning was signed and sealed with an awesome kiss goodbye....and the way we went.  That makes it a good day!  :)

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