Friday, July 07, 2006


Stacy, Back!

Sorry to hear you were so sick, that would explain why you were MIA. Super duper glad to hear you and Scott are on good terms again. As for your the show, and boomerangs thing - now, me myself, being the always taking the ..hey, this means this or that.. Or, well - I read my horoscope everyday, and take it for granted .. if it says I'm going to have a good day, then I'm going to have a good day... ANYWAY, sorry - got a little off tangent, but If I were in your position, I would be taking it as.. how you were thinking it.. that you knew things would end up this way afterall. There is a reason for everything and clearly, maybe he just needed that time away. You know?

Yay for you...and I hope it all continues to go well. I have a headache again today, and it's driving me absolutely crazy. I've taken 2 8hr tylenols again - hopefully they'll kick in soon. I did think about going to McDonalds though - a McFlurry sounds kind of good - although, considering I had DQ last night at 8:30 and Chicken and Cheese Quesadillas today for lunch...I don't know if that would be such a wise choice. Oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do - right?

Sorry to hear you had such a downer 4th... And, I'm sure it's been a crazy week thoug - although, look .. yes, it was a year since you told Ed you wanted a Divorce, but - it's also the week Scott wanted to get back together. Play hard to get girl...

He'll stick around then.

Love you, and Get better... Got it!



My day was made during lunch. Jeff (member who came and flirted with me and then went to Colorado for a month?) called me and asked me out for tomorrow afternoon. Well, he's playing discus golf and he asked if I wanted to go and walk around with them so we could talk and stuff. Yah! Talk about being up! Two guys! ha!

Now I have to be careful.

Well, hmmm.

I did an entire day of work yesterday. It wiped me out! ha Tried to take a nap after work, but that didn't work. Went to my class at 7:45 pm (had to make up for the cancellation on the 4th) and got out after about an hour. Scott-butt had called. Told me to meet him at his place to go to Murry's for dinner (YUM! a great little jazz restaurant with awesome food) Then we went back to my place (it was already 11pm by then)

We talked and snuggled. I guess we're an item? He was like--we've always been together. I said NO. You dumped my butt 6 months ago. He said-- You were trying to chain me up and suffocate me. Whatever. We didn't argue, we just dropped it. I did mention how it would be nice to hang with him and his friends--you know, do something besides eating and hanging out at my apartment. But he reinterrated (sp?) how his friends don't care for me.

I'm sorry, but how do a bunhc of late 20-somethings not like me? They are so content and happy with mediocre jobs, no education, sitting around smoking pot and drinking beer all the freaking time--I guess they're afraid I'll take away their Scotty and make him better. This will always be a bad thing between us. I trust Scott, but it's hard to be in love when he cannot stand up to his firneds and say, hey, I like her-- Too damn bad if you don't. I guess I'd just better be careful and not get knocked up or something stupid, I'd be stuck with the situation for life. Ugh.

Anyway, Jeff called me yesterday. We're supposed to meet up today when I get off work. It's H O T outside--I'd rather hang in the pool than do the discus golf. Oh, well, I'll learn and meet someone new! Maybe Jeff and I will click, and his friends will love me! Then I can tell Scott-Butt to screw off with his friends.

Nah.. that'll never happen, I have too many feelings for him.
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