Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Good Morning!
Geez, It's Wednesday AGAIN??? It seems like just yesterday I was sitting here typing here saying Happy Humpday! Well... here it is again, Happy Humpday!
I had my first dr appt yesterday - it went well. Didn't get too informational though. Didn't get to hear the heartbeat, didn't find out my due date, AND I didn't even get to find out exactly how far along I am. All I got out of it was some blood drawn from me, and some questions answered. I guess that's important, right? So I have an ultrasound on Friday to tell me exactly where I'm at. It makes me nervous that we couldn't hear the heartbeat or anything, but she said it could be because the placenta is on top of the baby and between my bellybutton so that was drownding out the hearbeat since it's so faint anyway, or that I'm just not that far along yet. She said we shouldn't be worried.
I am a little, to be honest. I guess that's normal...but I just wanted to hear it, dang it!
Well that's it for now, I better get back to work. I'm only hear for 2 1/2 days this week... woohoo! :)
Love to all,
I had my first dr appt yesterday - it went well. Didn't get too informational though. Didn't get to hear the heartbeat, didn't find out my due date, AND I didn't even get to find out exactly how far along I am. All I got out of it was some blood drawn from me, and some questions answered. I guess that's important, right? So I have an ultrasound on Friday to tell me exactly where I'm at. It makes me nervous that we couldn't hear the heartbeat or anything, but she said it could be because the placenta is on top of the baby and between my bellybutton so that was drownding out the hearbeat since it's so faint anyway, or that I'm just not that far along yet. She said we shouldn't be worried.
I am a little, to be honest. I guess that's normal...but I just wanted to hear it, dang it!
Well that's it for now, I better get back to work. I'm only hear for 2 1/2 days this week... woohoo! :)
Love to all,
Friday, May 26, 2006
I think..
I've settled with this one. Finally!!
Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend? I'm leaving work in about 20 minutes and going home to pack and then Chris and I are on our way up north, until Tuesday morning! Exciting... then Tuesday afternoon I have my first dr. appt. ooohh, so very excited for that!!
Last night well, to say the least was an interesting one... Chris and I had some big misunderstandings about how each our reactions were towards each other and how we weren't very understanding of ourselves, which resulted in fighting just about every nice. I think we're back on the right track and moving forward. Like he said last night, it's just so hard right now. It's like things are coming at us 100 mph and we can't stop them.. We're both changing emotionally, and we just need to learn how to handle ourselves. I need to be more courteous to him, and respect him more, as he needs to be more supportive towards me and try to understand me and my moods a bit more too. I agree with him, I'm not the person I was a few weeks ago. It's like everything and everyone changed drastically in a matter of minutes and it's hard. I know I won't be like this forever, but for now it's a disaster. I keep telling him, I will change when this baby is born and it will be back to normal - it's just right now I have so many changes going on, so many chemical imbalances and such that I myself don't know what the hell is going on with my body, let alone him. I feel bad for him and I'm going to try my very best to make everything better. I need to enjoy this pregnancy and go home happy, and stay happy throughout the night - instead of getting pissed by one wrong little thing, or by the flip of a switch......
It's a whole hell of a lot of getting used to...and if I have to do it to keep our sanity between us, then I'm going to do it. Done deal!
Other than that, life isn't bringing much excitement.... we're going upnorth and fishing this weekend.... that's really about all.. which should be a blast!!
If you see on the bottom right of this blog, where it says Entries, Profiles, Doodles etc... click on the doodles part and you can leave a comment there. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this, whether I know you or not! :)
Loves and Smiles :)
Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend? I'm leaving work in about 20 minutes and going home to pack and then Chris and I are on our way up north, until Tuesday morning! Exciting... then Tuesday afternoon I have my first dr. appt. ooohh, so very excited for that!!
Last night well, to say the least was an interesting one... Chris and I had some big misunderstandings about how each our reactions were towards each other and how we weren't very understanding of ourselves, which resulted in fighting just about every nice. I think we're back on the right track and moving forward. Like he said last night, it's just so hard right now. It's like things are coming at us 100 mph and we can't stop them.. We're both changing emotionally, and we just need to learn how to handle ourselves. I need to be more courteous to him, and respect him more, as he needs to be more supportive towards me and try to understand me and my moods a bit more too. I agree with him, I'm not the person I was a few weeks ago. It's like everything and everyone changed drastically in a matter of minutes and it's hard. I know I won't be like this forever, but for now it's a disaster. I keep telling him, I will change when this baby is born and it will be back to normal - it's just right now I have so many changes going on, so many chemical imbalances and such that I myself don't know what the hell is going on with my body, let alone him. I feel bad for him and I'm going to try my very best to make everything better. I need to enjoy this pregnancy and go home happy, and stay happy throughout the night - instead of getting pissed by one wrong little thing, or by the flip of a switch......
It's a whole hell of a lot of getting used to...and if I have to do it to keep our sanity between us, then I'm going to do it. Done deal!
Other than that, life isn't bringing much excitement.... we're going upnorth and fishing this weekend.... that's really about all.. which should be a blast!!
If you see on the bottom right of this blog, where it says Entries, Profiles, Doodles etc... click on the doodles part and you can leave a comment there. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this, whether I know you or not! :)
Loves and Smiles :)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Yeah, I'm not sure If I like this one either......
2 down.... there has to be a good one somewhere, that isn't too complicated to use.
-Somewhere over the rainbow, gone.
-Simplicity/black and white, soon to be gone.
be back later!
2 down.... there has to be a good one somewhere, that isn't too complicated to use.
-Somewhere over the rainbow, gone.
-Simplicity/black and white, soon to be gone.
be back later!
Sure Happy It's Thursday...
Okay, one downfall about this site is no one can leave comments................
I'll find a new one by the end of the day :)
Okay, one downfall about this site is no one can leave comments................
I'll find a new one by the end of the day :)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Bare with me on this ... I have lots of changes and additions to make... and heck, I might not even stick with this one ... but for now, it's something I like... until I find a better one!! :)
I just wanted to get away from the black, right now!!
I just wanted to get away from the black, right now!!
Happy Humpday!!
Sorry, I didn't post yesterday... I fell behind, I know.
Things on the baby front are going great - My first dr. appt is coming up quick. I'm quite excited. Friday is my last day of work until next Wednesday, so that will be a nice little break. 4 days off from work is always nice.
I'm still looking for "the layout" that I want for this site. I need something flashy and colorful - something that makes me happy when I look at it. Obviously, when I started this post - I was in a gloomy, upseting mood. I had alot of them a while ago and well, it brought me up and helped me if I was able to post on here. So, the reasoning for my "black mood" is now gone and I need to find something else. Especially considering my new life that is laying right in front of me.... that will be changed in oh a short 6 months. (!!!) - Bare with me, I'll find a new layout - hopefully by the end of the day today! -
This past week has brought a rollercoaster of emotions. 1. because I'm pregnant 2. because I'm pregnant 3. because Chris isn't sure how to deal with me ... pretty much, my hormones are completely out of whack. I got angry the other night because he was on the computer, I get angry if I'm doing the dishes and he won't help ... it's stupid, pure stupidity. But, I do'nt realize I'm acting like that - until I lash out on Chris and HE freaks out on ME. We got into quite the argument last Sunday night - it wasn't pretty. It was resolved - but on Monday night, when I got home - I was already aggrivated with him, cause he was on the computer - so I left and went to Barnes and Noble. I needed some therapy.
I ended up bringing home two books - I needed something for me to understand myself, and something for Chris to understand me, and learn how to deal with my irratic lashing out sessions. The two books I found were "I'm Pregnant" by DK books. Excellent Excellent book ... and I looked and looked for a book for Chris .. one that he would be actually interested in reading and one that he could learn from ... and all of a sudden I see the words .. "Pregnancy Sucks - for Men" ... that's it! I read the first few pages about "mood swings" and it was perfect. It's actually a quite hilarious book... He started reading it that night ... :)
Speaking of going to get books .. on my way there, I noticed a terrible clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk in my car ... me being the girl I am, thought it was in the front. I immediately thought - oh god, I have a flat tire... so I pulled into the next restaurant .. got out, and was happy to find - no flat tires! Much to my surprise - I got back in my car and the clunk clunk returned... this time when I was brakeing lightly - then as soon as I'd brake hard it would go away. I then think, oh god - there's something wrong with my car, how am I going to afford this ... of course thinking every possible worse thing. So, I get back home (all in one piece) park in the garage and leave the car for the next morning to work... which is yesterday morning. I drive to work, hear the continuous clunk when I drive and when I break lightly ... I get to work, I'm a little worried now ... What could be wrong.... still no, flat tires...The day at work is done, I get in my car go home .. still the clunk clunks are very easy to hear - only they're getting worse.
I called my dad - he gives me a list of things to check and have Chris check. I get home - we decide to go over to a friends (family friend) and visit. Well the guy (Ivan) - his daughter is my age, and her boyfriend works at Tires Plus - he, being the wonderful person he is - took my car for a drive, took apart my whole back right wheel, looked at the rotors, brakes, calipers, EVERYTHING ... couldn't find anything - took it for a drive again ... he came back and decided he wanted to tackle the back left ... he got over there, started loosening the lug nuts and he stopped, looked at me and says .. uhhh, i found your problem. .. You're tire is about to fall off... I looked at Chris like, Holy Shit!! ... so, he tightened up the lug nuts, and told me to check them again after 100 miles.....
Holy Cow - if i would have went to work today with the clunk clunk still clunking .. i probably would have been stranded on the side of the road with my back left tire, miles ahead of me and my car sitting on 3 ..... and a damaged car.
What would I have done...!!! So, needless to say - the clunk clunk is gone - I feel safe again, and my car is no longer the scary driven thing I thought it was .... Phew!!
Wow that was a long post - okay, I need to get to work now .... Bad me.
I promise, I'll try to have a better layout by the end of the day.... :)
Love to all,
Things on the baby front are going great - My first dr. appt is coming up quick. I'm quite excited. Friday is my last day of work until next Wednesday, so that will be a nice little break. 4 days off from work is always nice.
I'm still looking for "the layout" that I want for this site. I need something flashy and colorful - something that makes me happy when I look at it. Obviously, when I started this post - I was in a gloomy, upseting mood. I had alot of them a while ago and well, it brought me up and helped me if I was able to post on here. So, the reasoning for my "black mood" is now gone and I need to find something else. Especially considering my new life that is laying right in front of me.... that will be changed in oh a short 6 months. (!!!) - Bare with me, I'll find a new layout - hopefully by the end of the day today! -
This past week has brought a rollercoaster of emotions. 1. because I'm pregnant 2. because I'm pregnant 3. because Chris isn't sure how to deal with me ... pretty much, my hormones are completely out of whack. I got angry the other night because he was on the computer, I get angry if I'm doing the dishes and he won't help ... it's stupid, pure stupidity. But, I do'nt realize I'm acting like that - until I lash out on Chris and HE freaks out on ME. We got into quite the argument last Sunday night - it wasn't pretty. It was resolved - but on Monday night, when I got home - I was already aggrivated with him, cause he was on the computer - so I left and went to Barnes and Noble. I needed some therapy.
I ended up bringing home two books - I needed something for me to understand myself, and something for Chris to understand me, and learn how to deal with my irratic lashing out sessions. The two books I found were "I'm Pregnant" by DK books. Excellent Excellent book ... and I looked and looked for a book for Chris .. one that he would be actually interested in reading and one that he could learn from ... and all of a sudden I see the words .. "Pregnancy Sucks - for Men" ... that's it! I read the first few pages about "mood swings" and it was perfect. It's actually a quite hilarious book... He started reading it that night ... :)
Speaking of going to get books .. on my way there, I noticed a terrible clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk in my car ... me being the girl I am, thought it was in the front. I immediately thought - oh god, I have a flat tire... so I pulled into the next restaurant .. got out, and was happy to find - no flat tires! Much to my surprise - I got back in my car and the clunk clunk returned... this time when I was brakeing lightly - then as soon as I'd brake hard it would go away. I then think, oh god - there's something wrong with my car, how am I going to afford this ... of course thinking every possible worse thing. So, I get back home (all in one piece) park in the garage and leave the car for the next morning to work... which is yesterday morning. I drive to work, hear the continuous clunk when I drive and when I break lightly ... I get to work, I'm a little worried now ... What could be wrong.... still no, flat tires...The day at work is done, I get in my car go home .. still the clunk clunks are very easy to hear - only they're getting worse.
I called my dad - he gives me a list of things to check and have Chris check. I get home - we decide to go over to a friends (family friend) and visit. Well the guy (Ivan) - his daughter is my age, and her boyfriend works at Tires Plus - he, being the wonderful person he is - took my car for a drive, took apart my whole back right wheel, looked at the rotors, brakes, calipers, EVERYTHING ... couldn't find anything - took it for a drive again ... he came back and decided he wanted to tackle the back left ... he got over there, started loosening the lug nuts and he stopped, looked at me and says .. uhhh, i found your problem. .. You're tire is about to fall off... I looked at Chris like, Holy Shit!! ... so, he tightened up the lug nuts, and told me to check them again after 100 miles.....
Holy Cow - if i would have went to work today with the clunk clunk still clunking .. i probably would have been stranded on the side of the road with my back left tire, miles ahead of me and my car sitting on 3 ..... and a damaged car.
What would I have done...!!! So, needless to say - the clunk clunk is gone - I feel safe again, and my car is no longer the scary driven thing I thought it was .... Phew!!
Wow that was a long post - okay, I need to get to work now .... Bad me.
I promise, I'll try to have a better layout by the end of the day.... :)
Love to all,
Monday, May 22, 2006
I think...
I'm in need for some bright colors on this blog ... enough of the black, huh?
Friday, May 19, 2006
Good Song...
Artist: Kenny Chesney
Song: There Goes My Life Lyrics
All he could think about was I'm too young for this.
Got my whole life ahead.
Hell I'm just a kid myself.
How'm I gonna raise one.
All he could see were his dreams goin' up in smoke.
So much for ditchin' this town and hangin' out on the coast.
Oh well, those plans are long gone.
And he said,
There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
Might as well kiss it all good-bye.
There goes my life.......A couple years of up all night and a few thousand diapers later.
That mistake he thought he made covers up the refrigerator.
Oh yeah..........he loves that little girl.
Momma's waiting to tuck her in,
As she fumbles up those stairs.
She smiles back at him dragging that teddy bear.
Sleep tight, blue eyes and bouncin' curls.
He smiles.....There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
I love you, daddy good-night.
There goes my life.
She had that Honda loaded down.
With Abercrombie clothes and 15 pairs of shoes and his American Express.
He checked the oil and slammed the hood, said you're good to go.
She hugged them both and headed off to the West Coast.
And he cried,
There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
I love you.Baby good-bye.
There goes my life.
There goes my life.
Baby good-bye.
Song: There Goes My Life Lyrics
All he could think about was I'm too young for this.
Got my whole life ahead.
Hell I'm just a kid myself.
How'm I gonna raise one.
All he could see were his dreams goin' up in smoke.
So much for ditchin' this town and hangin' out on the coast.
Oh well, those plans are long gone.
And he said,
There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
Might as well kiss it all good-bye.
There goes my life.......A couple years of up all night and a few thousand diapers later.
That mistake he thought he made covers up the refrigerator.
Oh yeah..........he loves that little girl.
Momma's waiting to tuck her in,
As she fumbles up those stairs.
She smiles back at him dragging that teddy bear.
Sleep tight, blue eyes and bouncin' curls.
He smiles.....There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
I love you, daddy good-night.
There goes my life.
She had that Honda loaded down.
With Abercrombie clothes and 15 pairs of shoes and his American Express.
He checked the oil and slammed the hood, said you're good to go.
She hugged them both and headed off to the West Coast.
And he cried,
There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
I love you.Baby good-bye.
There goes my life.
There goes my life.
Baby good-bye.
Friday, Friday, Friday ... Thank goodness it's Friday!!
I find myself incredibly excited today - 1. because I get to sleep in tomorrow and 2. just because!
It's been a great week - found out lots of news, life changing news! I had my moments of "Ohh, I'll never be able to do this again, or ohhh I'm going to have to get rid of this..." but you know what ... It's worth it. Any baby is worth anything and everything and I'm not the only one having to get rid of a couple things. Chris will too. I like to look at it as, your priorities are changing.
I noticed last night, my tummy is getting a little bulge. Hope this isn't TMI, but I'm getting stretch marks, where I've never had them - right around my belly button... so that's kind of exciting. If I'm "pregnant" ... I want to be pregnant and look it. Dang it!!
Okay, time for work ... unfortunately!!
I find myself incredibly excited today - 1. because I get to sleep in tomorrow and 2. just because!
It's been a great week - found out lots of news, life changing news! I had my moments of "Ohh, I'll never be able to do this again, or ohhh I'm going to have to get rid of this..." but you know what ... It's worth it. Any baby is worth anything and everything and I'm not the only one having to get rid of a couple things. Chris will too. I like to look at it as, your priorities are changing.
I noticed last night, my tummy is getting a little bulge. Hope this isn't TMI, but I'm getting stretch marks, where I've never had them - right around my belly button... so that's kind of exciting. If I'm "pregnant" ... I want to be pregnant and look it. Dang it!!
Okay, time for work ... unfortunately!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Boy am I tired - and full.
I even slept in today and came in to work later ... I had a healthy lunch ...
and I'm still dead to the world.
Hmm... I need some Mountain Dew .. Dr. says it's okay for 1 a day, but I'm trying to stay away from it period.
I really need this:

I even slept in today and came in to work later ... I had a healthy lunch ...
and I'm still dead to the world.
Hmm... I need some Mountain Dew .. Dr. says it's okay for 1 a day, but I'm trying to stay away from it period.
I really need this:

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Blah ..
I have an icky feeling in my stomach - I'm hungry, yet nothing sounds good. Blah, pretty much sums up my feelings right now. I know it's for a reason - but I just got done telling my mom that I've felt awesome lately and she couldn't believe I haven't been sick yet.
Strange. Just my luck - I don't think I'm going to get the pukey sickness - but I just have the uncomfortable, hope I don't get sick, type of feeling.
I need to find something to eat ... Chris called a bit ago, that made me feel better :)
Strange. Just my luck - I don't think I'm going to get the pukey sickness - but I just have the uncomfortable, hope I don't get sick, type of feeling.
I need to find something to eat ... Chris called a bit ago, that made me feel better :)
Happy Humpday!!
At last - it's Wednesday!
After countless phone calls of congratulations and excitement - it is finally sinking in.
i'm going to have a baby!
Last night, Chris said - Krystle, you can't keep sucking in your tummy. Let it go - it's going to get that way anyway .. so I've come to senses that I am just going to let my tummy bulge out - when I'm sitting at my desk, or at home. I won't while I'm in the public though, until I get the forsure pregnant tummy.
This is ... reality!
After countless phone calls of congratulations and excitement - it is finally sinking in.
i'm going to have a baby!
Last night, Chris said - Krystle, you can't keep sucking in your tummy. Let it go - it's going to get that way anyway .. so I've come to senses that I am just going to let my tummy bulge out - when I'm sitting at my desk, or at home. I won't while I'm in the public though, until I get the forsure pregnant tummy.
This is ... reality!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I ...
can't ...
concentrate ...
to save my soul ...
concentrate ...
to save my soul ...
It is ...
... a for sure deal!!
Went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to "confirm" and by what I tell them - I'm 11 weeks 3 days... yay! That's almost 3 months... :)
I have my first OB appointment set for Tuesday May 30th. There, we will hear the heart beat - do some more checks, and if they can't tell how far along I am for sure just by pushing around - they are going to do an ultrasound...
We told Chris's grandparents, his aunt (who is very religious!!), his cousins, and they are all incredibly excited!! I think his aunt handled it the best ... you have no idea how much of a relief that is. We were visiting with Peg, Chris's aunt -when we got there, she opened up the door looked at us, gave us a huge smile, and gave chris a huge hug and said "YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME A GREAT AUNT!!!!!!" ... She was SO excited!! My heart melted.
Then a little later on, my mom and dad told their family and well my grandma called me SUPER happy, and she was being herself... she couldn't wait, she was so excited - it was unbelievable. Then my aunt called and couldn't believe it, but she couldn't wait either... She said, "And we have to wait 9 months for this???" ... Needless to say, we're relieved.
Chris talked to his dad alot too, and he said he is happy for us, and knows we can do it - it's just alot of budgeting... and when I was talking to my Grandma, she said she talked to my dad and my DAD is extatic she said, and he is so proud of us. WOW!!
So - it's a great thing, everyone else is happy ... we're happy.
Life will be complete! :) :)
Went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to "confirm" and by what I tell them - I'm 11 weeks 3 days... yay! That's almost 3 months... :)
I have my first OB appointment set for Tuesday May 30th. There, we will hear the heart beat - do some more checks, and if they can't tell how far along I am for sure just by pushing around - they are going to do an ultrasound...
We told Chris's grandparents, his aunt (who is very religious!!), his cousins, and they are all incredibly excited!! I think his aunt handled it the best ... you have no idea how much of a relief that is. We were visiting with Peg, Chris's aunt -when we got there, she opened up the door looked at us, gave us a huge smile, and gave chris a huge hug and said "YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME A GREAT AUNT!!!!!!" ... She was SO excited!! My heart melted.
Then a little later on, my mom and dad told their family and well my grandma called me SUPER happy, and she was being herself... she couldn't wait, she was so excited - it was unbelievable. Then my aunt called and couldn't believe it, but she couldn't wait either... She said, "And we have to wait 9 months for this???" ... Needless to say, we're relieved.
Chris talked to his dad alot too, and he said he is happy for us, and knows we can do it - it's just alot of budgeting... and when I was talking to my Grandma, she said she talked to my dad and my DAD is extatic she said, and he is so proud of us. WOW!!
So - it's a great thing, everyone else is happy ... we're happy.
Life will be complete! :) :)
Monday, May 15, 2006
HUGE news.....
Well -
I think -
Chris and I -
are going to be -
parents -
I'm still in a state of shock, I think ... yesterday, Chris was up north fishing (all weekend) and he said, well ... why don't you take a test some time this weekend and then we'll know for sure... (we kind of had an idea already) ... so I had a test there already, and at 1:30 pm Sunday when I got home from my parents, I thought ... well, I think I'm going to take it.
I barely put the test on the floor after I took it, and 2 lines showed up in a + ..... I looked in the mirror at myself, like HOLY SH!T! ... so in my excitement/and worrying ... I called a friend. I had to tell somebody. She couldn't believe it... but was excited, and said I'd be okay. Then I got off the phone with her, and started texting her ... well stupid, me ... and I feel bad about this ... but I was texting her cause she asked what I was going to tell Chris ... and I said well he is kind of expecting it, but I will say (and I mean't this jokingly!) .. "Well buddy, youre going to be a daddy"... "he'll probably pass out" ... and instead of SENDING THIS TO MY FRIEND ... I sent it to CHRIS. He was 2 blocks from home, and he pulled in ... I ran downstairs, and he leaped out of his truck, opened the door and looked at me and said... "What's up with the texts messages you sent me??" .. and I right away, just about keeled over. He goes.. "Did you take the test?" and I looked at him like .. "yeah....." ... "And it was positive??" .. and I said... quietly again ... "yeah....." .. and he looked at me again, and had a HUGE smile on his face ... "ARE YOU SERIOUS?????" ... "You're kidding..." ... NO! Are you serious ...?? and I had to tell him OVER and OVEr again that.. um, yep it's the real deal........ and he grabbed me and gave me a huge hug and asked if I was excited......................................... Phew!!
So then, after us both looking at each other thinking, oh my god... ... He said, well maybe you should take another one.. So we ran to Walmart and got a few groceries and got another test. (A different brand.) and I got home, and took it ... and it was no longer than 20 seconds... I took the test and handed it to Chris and the 2 = lines were already showing up .. and I said, yep... looks like it's a for sure.
That was followed by a big smile and hug....
So, needless to say - I actually am excited. I was a little leary after the first test just thinking, well it just might be wrong, I'm not going to get my hopes up ... but after I took the 2nd test ... I figured how can 2 tests be wrong that are over 99% effective.
He called his mom, and talked to her ... and she told his dad ... they didn't say a whole lot, but I guess...what can they really say?? He was a little bummed, and upset last night crying that he just wanted to talk to his dad, and he feels like his dad is mad at him...... Then, I got up the nerve to call my mom ... well, she said a birth is better than a death.. and congratulations sweetie... Now, me.. I'm an only child, so I was a bit worried about this... but they handled it better than I thought. I guess my dad just kind of sat there in a blank stare smiling.... ah. I'm glad I told them though, and go the news out......
So, Wednesday I have an appointment with the doctor at 8:30 am.....
More news to follow then ..... If I make my calculations right ... I think I'm between 9 - 11 weeks ... I could be wrong, but that's just my judgement....
Now I feel like the bond between Chris and I is on a much different level... and I feel that much closer to him, knowing that wow... i think there is something "in there" and it's both of ours.... It's just a weird strange, yet exciting feeling...
Ohh, how life changes......... they say everything happens for a reason....
I think -
Chris and I -
are going to be -
parents -
I'm still in a state of shock, I think ... yesterday, Chris was up north fishing (all weekend) and he said, well ... why don't you take a test some time this weekend and then we'll know for sure... (we kind of had an idea already) ... so I had a test there already, and at 1:30 pm Sunday when I got home from my parents, I thought ... well, I think I'm going to take it.
I barely put the test on the floor after I took it, and 2 lines showed up in a + ..... I looked in the mirror at myself, like HOLY SH!T! ... so in my excitement/and worrying ... I called a friend. I had to tell somebody. She couldn't believe it... but was excited, and said I'd be okay. Then I got off the phone with her, and started texting her ... well stupid, me ... and I feel bad about this ... but I was texting her cause she asked what I was going to tell Chris ... and I said well he is kind of expecting it, but I will say (and I mean't this jokingly!) .. "Well buddy, youre going to be a daddy"... "he'll probably pass out" ... and instead of SENDING THIS TO MY FRIEND ... I sent it to CHRIS. He was 2 blocks from home, and he pulled in ... I ran downstairs, and he leaped out of his truck, opened the door and looked at me and said... "What's up with the texts messages you sent me??" .. and I right away, just about keeled over. He goes.. "Did you take the test?" and I looked at him like .. "yeah....." ... "And it was positive??" .. and I said... quietly again ... "yeah....." .. and he looked at me again, and had a HUGE smile on his face ... "ARE YOU SERIOUS?????" ... "You're kidding..." ... NO! Are you serious ...?? and I had to tell him OVER and OVEr again that.. um, yep it's the real deal........ and he grabbed me and gave me a huge hug and asked if I was excited......................................... Phew!!
So then, after us both looking at each other thinking, oh my god... ... He said, well maybe you should take another one.. So we ran to Walmart and got a few groceries and got another test. (A different brand.) and I got home, and took it ... and it was no longer than 20 seconds... I took the test and handed it to Chris and the 2 = lines were already showing up .. and I said, yep... looks like it's a for sure.
That was followed by a big smile and hug....
So, needless to say - I actually am excited. I was a little leary after the first test just thinking, well it just might be wrong, I'm not going to get my hopes up ... but after I took the 2nd test ... I figured how can 2 tests be wrong that are over 99% effective.
He called his mom, and talked to her ... and she told his dad ... they didn't say a whole lot, but I guess...what can they really say?? He was a little bummed, and upset last night crying that he just wanted to talk to his dad, and he feels like his dad is mad at him...... Then, I got up the nerve to call my mom ... well, she said a birth is better than a death.. and congratulations sweetie... Now, me.. I'm an only child, so I was a bit worried about this... but they handled it better than I thought. I guess my dad just kind of sat there in a blank stare smiling.... ah. I'm glad I told them though, and go the news out......
So, Wednesday I have an appointment with the doctor at 8:30 am.....
More news to follow then ..... If I make my calculations right ... I think I'm between 9 - 11 weeks ... I could be wrong, but that's just my judgement....
Now I feel like the bond between Chris and I is on a much different level... and I feel that much closer to him, knowing that wow... i think there is something "in there" and it's both of ours.... It's just a weird strange, yet exciting feeling...
Ohh, how life changes......... they say everything happens for a reason....
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mothers Day!
Good Morning ... Good Morning! Okay, it's almost noon -
Well - I need to leave my parents house by like oh, 12:00 - which is 55 minutes away. No big deal. I need to beat Chris home though - which I know I will....
Um... that's about it. I'll update later when I get home!!
Love to you all.....

Well - I need to leave my parents house by like oh, 12:00 - which is 55 minutes away. No big deal. I need to beat Chris home though - which I know I will....
Um... that's about it. I'll update later when I get home!!
Love to you all.....

Saturday, May 13, 2006
I'm soooo ty-red...
Sleepy, I need sleepy..... Lots and lots of it...
Yes, I'm tired - oh so very.
I had an actually fairly good night. I got to my parents at oh about 3:00 this afternoon - then my dad picked me up and we met my mom and a friend at the Valley for something to eat, then that went from one thing to another, and we started visitng with people and we didn't get home until probably 8 or so, I think. Then we got home, and watched some tv ... and here I sit. It's 11:41 and I'm so incredibly tired, it's sick.
I should just go to bed, but I have a hard time doing so lately....
Ohhh, one important good thing that happened today... Chris you know, is up north fishing - well he called me at like 7:30 all excited, and he caught a 52" muskie ... he was SO proud of him self, it was adorable!!! He didn't talk long, and our phone service was being stupid, and I wasn't in a good spot to get reception and his phone was dying ... but he sounded like he was having a wonderful fun time!! I'm happy for him....Oh, and his mom got her flowers today too. She loved them... they were pretty!! yay!!
Um, I think that's about it ... I got my call from my honey tonight, and got an "I love you" ... so i can sleep now. I don't know why ... I always sleep better when I hear his voice. Call me obsessed, I know ... I'm really not, I just love hearing I love you ... .hey, who doesn't... right? You're crazy if you don't...
Tomorrrow then I need to get my arse up and get back to mi casa... I have too much crap to clean up before Chris gets home ... like dishes, laundry ... stuff I promised i'd do this weekend since he did a bit of laundry friday before he left.. I owe it to him.
That's about it though...I'm quite tired, and I think its time to cuddle up in my comfy pants and chris's big shirt, and with my pillow I brought along... and get some shut eye...
What do ya say...?
I'm over and out ... Good night to all you beautiful people out there.
I'll be back tomorrow sometime!
Yes, I'm tired - oh so very.
I had an actually fairly good night. I got to my parents at oh about 3:00 this afternoon - then my dad picked me up and we met my mom and a friend at the Valley for something to eat, then that went from one thing to another, and we started visitng with people and we didn't get home until probably 8 or so, I think. Then we got home, and watched some tv ... and here I sit. It's 11:41 and I'm so incredibly tired, it's sick.
I should just go to bed, but I have a hard time doing so lately....
Ohhh, one important good thing that happened today... Chris you know, is up north fishing - well he called me at like 7:30 all excited, and he caught a 52" muskie ... he was SO proud of him self, it was adorable!!! He didn't talk long, and our phone service was being stupid, and I wasn't in a good spot to get reception and his phone was dying ... but he sounded like he was having a wonderful fun time!! I'm happy for him....Oh, and his mom got her flowers today too. She loved them... they were pretty!! yay!!
Um, I think that's about it ... I got my call from my honey tonight, and got an "I love you" ... so i can sleep now. I don't know why ... I always sleep better when I hear his voice. Call me obsessed, I know ... I'm really not, I just love hearing I love you ... .hey, who doesn't... right? You're crazy if you don't...
Tomorrrow then I need to get my arse up and get back to mi casa... I have too much crap to clean up before Chris gets home ... like dishes, laundry ... stuff I promised i'd do this weekend since he did a bit of laundry friday before he left.. I owe it to him.
That's about it though...I'm quite tired, and I think its time to cuddle up in my comfy pants and chris's big shirt, and with my pillow I brought along... and get some shut eye...
What do ya say...?
I'm over and out ... Good night to all you beautiful people out there.
I'll be back tomorrow sometime!
So Pretty!!
Oh Saturday
I went to bed last night around, oh probably 10:30 - sent Chris a message saying Good Night baby. I Love you. and he called me within 5 minutes to say good night, and all the sweet things he says. He was at his uncles new cabin with all the guys, partyin ... he was so cute, he said .. "I've had 10 beers, and now I'm going to drink a morgan coke before bed!" .. It's nice to hear him having fun, and spending it with the guys .. especially his family. He doesn't get much alone time usually with them, cause if we go upnorth - we are together, and usually when we go to my parents, we're together. So - all in all - we're together! I miss him, I admit it.. he probably doesn't miss me though .. he's sitting out on a boat, having fun right now ... that's good for him though :)
Well.. its 9:50 am. I tossed and turned all night after I got off the phone with him, constantly checking my phone to see if he messaged me. He didn't, which I knew he wasn't going go - but I still have this issue to check... and because I had the bed to myself. Usually I sleep good alone, but man ... once you get used to sleeping with someone, it's hard to get used to being alone.
I'm up ... I sent him a good morning message to have fun and catch lots n lots of fish ... hopefully he will! He will be back sometime tomorrow evening- cause I think they're going fishing tomorrow yet.
I need to get into the shower - and get ready, pack my clothes, clean up the bedroom, clean up the kitchen, and go to Hallmark and being the late last minute person... I have to get my mom a card and one of those wooden angels.
So much to do... so little time... So I best be going. I might update tonight - I will be at my parents.... I am dreading going there, I just want to stay here and relax ... but, it's Mothers Day - so I can't say a whole lot. I could come home tonight, but I don't think they would like that too much...... and I miss my puppy!! Okay, he's not a puppy- he's almost 2, but he acts like it ... :)
Love and hugs to all, I'll try to be back later on ...
Well.. its 9:50 am. I tossed and turned all night after I got off the phone with him, constantly checking my phone to see if he messaged me. He didn't, which I knew he wasn't going go - but I still have this issue to check... and because I had the bed to myself. Usually I sleep good alone, but man ... once you get used to sleeping with someone, it's hard to get used to being alone.
I'm up ... I sent him a good morning message to have fun and catch lots n lots of fish ... hopefully he will! He will be back sometime tomorrow evening- cause I think they're going fishing tomorrow yet.
I need to get into the shower - and get ready, pack my clothes, clean up the bedroom, clean up the kitchen, and go to Hallmark and being the late last minute person... I have to get my mom a card and one of those wooden angels.
So much to do... so little time... So I best be going. I might update tonight - I will be at my parents.... I am dreading going there, I just want to stay here and relax ... but, it's Mothers Day - so I can't say a whole lot. I could come home tonight, but I don't think they would like that too much...... and I miss my puppy!! Okay, he's not a puppy- he's almost 2, but he acts like it ... :)
Love and hugs to all, I'll try to be back later on ...
Friday, May 12, 2006
Friday night
My night consists of oh pretty much not a whole lot -
I got home, got on the computer a bit
watched some tv
watched a little more tv
on the computer a little more
went to get gas ... $36.00 later ... AHH
went to noodles and co, got myself some mac n cheese...mmmm
came back, watched american idol extra with chris daughtry (hot!)
now here I am, full as can be and ready for bedy bye
i messaged my honey - i want to hear from him, dang it
I need my good night muah, or msg....
ohh, love love love ...
I got home, got on the computer a bit
watched some tv
watched a little more tv
on the computer a little more
went to get gas ... $36.00 later ... AHH
went to noodles and co, got myself some mac n cheese...mmmm
came back, watched american idol extra with chris daughtry (hot!)
now here I am, full as can be and ready for bedy bye
i messaged my honey - i want to hear from him, dang it
I need my good night muah, or msg....
ohh, love love love ...
Picture Fun!
After a perfect week until - a wicked Thursday - I'm doing much better.
I am kind of looking forward to having tonight to myself. Chris is going up north with his dad, and uncle and well pretty much his family... and he's going for opening fishing with the guys. That will be good for him ... he doesn't get away from me too much!! haha... and besided, last time I went fishing with him ... he got my pole all set up, and he was then setting his up ... me being the pro fisher-woman that I am ... decided to cast, and what do ya know ... very first freakin cast, I got the line caught on his poll and they intertwined and wrapped right up with each other ... into a fantastically large mess. Needless to say - he wasn't very happy ... and I didn't fish the rest of the day!
So - I thought I'd stay home this weekend, and save a us both a little hassle!
Plans for tonight -
-Go to Wally world (Walmart) probably
-Go to Hallmark and get my madre a card and a little gift
-Gets some good eats
-Watch a movie maybe (all by myself .... don't wanna be .... all by myself .... anymore ....)
-Or, go visit my cousin near by
-Go to bed early maybe, cuz i'm sure I'll be tired
-Hmm, Oh and do some laundry ... I'm way too far behind on that. I should be punished.
-Sleep in... ahh, relaxing.
-Watch for tickets for Rascal Flatts at the state fair... at 10 am... YAY!
-Pack a set of clothes
-Go to my parents sometime in the early afternoon
-Go out with them for Mothers day
-Get up Sunday and come home by noon or so.
So yeah, that's my weekend in a nutshell... Not too terribly exciting, but I think I can handle it.
Hey, it's pay day.. that makes it better - right?!
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows."
~Helen Keller
"Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her. But once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game."
Everyone have a wonderful day ... Thanks for listening to my worries and frustrations yesterday. I hate those kind of days.
I am kind of looking forward to having tonight to myself. Chris is going up north with his dad, and uncle and well pretty much his family... and he's going for opening fishing with the guys. That will be good for him ... he doesn't get away from me too much!! haha... and besided, last time I went fishing with him ... he got my pole all set up, and he was then setting his up ... me being the pro fisher-woman that I am ... decided to cast, and what do ya know ... very first freakin cast, I got the line caught on his poll and they intertwined and wrapped right up with each other ... into a fantastically large mess. Needless to say - he wasn't very happy ... and I didn't fish the rest of the day!
So - I thought I'd stay home this weekend, and save a us both a little hassle!
Plans for tonight -
-Go to Wally world (Walmart) probably
-Go to Hallmark and get my madre a card and a little gift
-Gets some good eats
-Watch a movie maybe (all by myself .... don't wanna be .... all by myself .... anymore ....)
-Or, go visit my cousin near by
-Go to bed early maybe, cuz i'm sure I'll be tired
-Hmm, Oh and do some laundry ... I'm way too far behind on that. I should be punished.
-Sleep in... ahh, relaxing.
-Watch for tickets for Rascal Flatts at the state fair... at 10 am... YAY!
-Pack a set of clothes
-Go to my parents sometime in the early afternoon
-Go out with them for Mothers day
-Get up Sunday and come home by noon or so.
So yeah, that's my weekend in a nutshell... Not too terribly exciting, but I think I can handle it.
Hey, it's pay day.. that makes it better - right?!
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows."
~Helen Keller
"Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her. But once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game."
Everyone have a wonderful day ... Thanks for listening to my worries and frustrations yesterday. I hate those kind of days.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I have soo much work to do ... and SO little time ... 20 Minutes can't finish this stuff....
Chris just called - he seemed himself - we're having Tacos for supper -
I'm still sad. Kind of.
Chris just called - he seemed himself - we're having Tacos for supper -
I'm still sad. Kind of.
~...~My Wish~...~
I hope that days come easy and moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go, and if you're faced
with a choice, and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one
that means the most to you. And if one door opens to another door
closed, I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window, if it's cold
outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
More than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it, to
your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to
carry more than you can hold, and while you're out there getting
where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and
wants the same things too, Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left, I hope you always
forgive, and you never regret, and you help somebody every chance
you get, Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake, and you always
give more than you take.
Oh More than anything, Yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it, to
your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to
carry more than you can hold, and while you're out there getting
where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and
wants the same things too, Yeah, this, is my wish.
I'm Sad...
And it sucks.
And it sucks.
Anyone want to buy...


These pics were taken when I first got the car in May of 2004. It looks the same, except in the one picture with trees in the backroung - I added red graphics. You can kind of see it in the pic .....
If you know anyone that's interested ... let me know. The car has 136,000 miles on it, it's been AWESOME ..and I'll defiantely miss it - I'm just looking for something newer.
Perfect car for a high schooler, or anyone looking for a cheap reliable good looking car.
It has been driven ALL highway miles....
Email me if you're interested or want more info ... The car is in Medina Minnesota 55340.
Post a comment, and I'll email you privately.
Anyone want to buy...

This car?!?!!? For sale... $4500 - $5000 or best offer... Private party value on Kelly Blue book was a bit over $5000.
It's my baby and I love it ... but I want a new one ..... *See below*
Okay, so I'm trying to boost up my day a bit, and realize that it isn't that bad.
Come on guys ... help me boost my spirits!! I'm supposed to be a happy person ... not down in the dumps!
Come on guys ... help me boost my spirits!! I'm supposed to be a happy person ... not down in the dumps!
I just got off the phone with him, and I asked him if he was still mad at me, and he said he wasn't. He was being a little on edge - but he gets that way sometimes.
Then he started singing the song ... "Loving you, is easy cause you're beautiful!"
Then he asked if I still hated him, and that I ruined a perfectly good week for us. Our week was going perfect until I did that last night......
When I answered the phone, he said ... What's wrong? You sound sad? .....
No comment.
We'll see how tonight goes ... I'm sure it will be fine...
blah. men.
Then he started singing the song ... "Loving you, is easy cause you're beautiful!"
Then he asked if I still hated him, and that I ruined a perfectly good week for us. Our week was going perfect until I did that last night......
When I answered the phone, he said ... What's wrong? You sound sad? .....
No comment.
We'll see how tonight goes ... I'm sure it will be fine...
blah. men.
I need to make this a good day .... I'm sure I'm worrying for nothing, and it's not a big deal (I do this quite often)- but damn it puts a damper on my day ... I just want to give someone, anyone for that matter ... a hug, and laugh with them, and be like myself, act crazy, and be excited for the day ahead ... that's all. Is that too much to ask? Apparently ...
How about virtual hugs ... is there such a thing? I'll take one, if anyone wants to give one .... I'll give one in return, I promise.
I just want to be loved, and beable to love someone in return, and be happy.
How about virtual hugs ... is there such a thing? I'll take one, if anyone wants to give one .... I'll give one in return, I promise.
I just want to be loved, and beable to love someone in return, and be happy.
"We cannot discover new oceans until we have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
I want to cry. I'm feeling so blue, it's unbelievable....
I want to cry. I'm feeling so blue, it's unbelievable....
Can I just crawl in a hole ............. and let that take all my thoughts/worries away? Think that would work ....
If anyone wants to know the reason, to WHY I'm feeling so frustrated ... leave me a comment, and I'll post it somewhere else ...
If anyone wants to know the reason, to WHY I'm feeling so frustrated ... leave me a comment, and I'll post it somewhere else ...
I'm ... so ... FRUSTERATED ...
... why, because of some stupid thing ... and I've done so good with not letting this certain thing get to me, but GOD DAMNIT ... it always happens right when I say I don't get mad about it, but then it hits me ... right before f#ck!n bed.
I love him so much, it's just that - ahhh, respect for others? I wanted him to come to bed, so I could go to bed (and so I could snuggle, cuz I always fall asleep better that way), and cause if he stays up later - then I wake up later and it's just a mess ... for me. Maybe I should quit being so selfish when it comes to shit like this.
Maybe I'm making a worse deal out of it, than it really is ....
What it is, is making me feel like shit - and I just want me to be happy right now ....
and to top things off, jokingly this morning .. I said "You don't love me anymore." and he said ... "maybe I don't." ....
What the hell kind of reply is that? .....
Ahh, life sucks ... right now ...
... why, because of some stupid thing ... and I've done so good with not letting this certain thing get to me, but GOD DAMNIT ... it always happens right when I say I don't get mad about it, but then it hits me ... right before f#ck!n bed.
I love him so much, it's just that - ahhh, respect for others? I wanted him to come to bed, so I could go to bed (and so I could snuggle, cuz I always fall asleep better that way), and cause if he stays up later - then I wake up later and it's just a mess ... for me. Maybe I should quit being so selfish when it comes to shit like this.
Maybe I'm making a worse deal out of it, than it really is ....
What it is, is making me feel like shit - and I just want me to be happy right now ....
and to top things off, jokingly this morning .. I said "You don't love me anymore." and he said ... "maybe I don't." ....
What the hell kind of reply is that? .....
Ahh, life sucks ... right now ...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Happy Humpday!!
It's already Wednesday .... It's all downhill from here .... =)
My evening went well - I got home to Chris doing the dishes, and starting supper ... I was nicely surprised! Then, we watched American Idol and a bit of Deadliest Catch - and sat on the computer for a little while - and off to bed we went. So, not too very excited....
Then.... Alright, if you knew me - I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to getting up in the morning. I sleep till I get get every last wink in ... well, I do that - then it seems as though, I have the urge and time (when I don't!) to lay on the bed and watch the news..... when bam, it's 6:10 am, and I haven't done a single thing yet and I need to leave by 6:30 at the very latest. Needless to say, these past few mornings have not been the greatests, as well I don't leave until 6:30 and have to be to work by 7, and OF COURSE ... I get behind EVER solitary slow person out there.........
....Oh well, my fault then ..huh! Maybe I should leave earlier, like I did when I was working at 6:45. Idiot me.
Alright, I better go spray my hair in the bathroom (since I didn't have time to when I left!)..... annnnnnnnd get this day started.....
It's going to be a good one, right?
My evening went well - I got home to Chris doing the dishes, and starting supper ... I was nicely surprised! Then, we watched American Idol and a bit of Deadliest Catch - and sat on the computer for a little while - and off to bed we went. So, not too very excited....
Then.... Alright, if you knew me - I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to getting up in the morning. I sleep till I get get every last wink in ... well, I do that - then it seems as though, I have the urge and time (when I don't!) to lay on the bed and watch the news..... when bam, it's 6:10 am, and I haven't done a single thing yet and I need to leave by 6:30 at the very latest. Needless to say, these past few mornings have not been the greatests, as well I don't leave until 6:30 and have to be to work by 7, and OF COURSE ... I get behind EVER solitary slow person out there.........
....Oh well, my fault then ..huh! Maybe I should leave earlier, like I did when I was working at 6:45. Idiot me.
Alright, I better go spray my hair in the bathroom (since I didn't have time to when I left!)..... annnnnnnnd get this day started.....
It's going to be a good one, right?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
It's a great day.... be alive, I know the suns still shinin when I close my eyes... It's a... Nice day in the neighborhood - so why can't every day, be just this gooooooood?!
I just had that song stuck in my head ... so I thought I'd type it up...
Here's another QOTD:
"It's OK to be down in the dumps--just don't stay there too long."
~Catherine DeVrye
I just had that song stuck in my head ... so I thought I'd type it up...
Here's another QOTD:
"It's OK to be down in the dumps--just don't stay there too long."
~Catherine DeVrye
Monday, May 08, 2006
"No one ever damaged their eyesight looking on the brighter side of life."
Good Morning...
The earth says, hello!
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Good morning starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we sing
Our early morning singing song
Gliddy glub gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song
Good morning starshine
The earth says hello
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Gliddy glub gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song
Singing a song
Humming a song
Singing a song
Loving a song
Laughing a song
Singing a song
Sing the song
Song song song sing
Sing sing sing sing song
The earth says, hello!
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Good morning starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we sing
Our early morning singing song
Gliddy glub gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song
Good morning starshine
The earth says hello
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Gliddy glub gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song
Singing a song
Humming a song
Singing a song
Loving a song
Laughing a song
Singing a song
Sing the song
Song song song sing
Sing sing sing sing song
Friday, May 05, 2006
You Are 76% Happy |
![]() |
It's just one of those days ... it's strange. I'm happy, yet I'm worried, I'm excited, but I'm doubtful, I'm thrilled, yet I'm scared. It's just plain weird. Is there such a thing as a half n half day?
Good Morning Beautiful...
...How was your night? Mine was wonderful, with you by my side - When I, open my eyes ... and see your sweet face ... it's a ... Good Morning, Beautiful Day!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I'm Sold!
So, Chris texts me at break and says to turn to a certain radio station ....... and this is what was playing! =) This cured all my worries from my previous post and from last night ... phew!
I'm Sold - By John Michael Montgomery
Well I went down to the grundy county auction
Where I saw something I just had to have
My mind told me I should proceed with caution
But my heart said, "go ahead an make a bid on that!"
An I said, hey, pretty lady, woncha gime a sign
Id give anything to make you mine all mine
Ill do your biddin an be at your beckon call
Yeah, I never seen anyone lookin so fine
Man, I gotta have her, shes a one-of-a-kind
Im goin once, goin twice,
Im sold! on the lady in the second row
Shes an eight, shes a nine, shes a ten, I know
Shes got ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
An Im about to bid my heart good-bye!
Well, the auctioneer was goin about a mile a minute
He was takin bids an callin them out loud
An I guess I was really gettin in it
cause I just shouted out above the crowd!
An I said, hey, pretty lady, woncha gime a sign
Id give anything to make you mine all mine
Ill do your biddin an be at your beckon call
Yeah, I never seen anyone lookin so fine
Man, I gotta have her, shes a one-of-a-kind
Im goin once, goin twice,
Im sold! on the lady in the long black dress
Well she won my heart it was no contest
With her ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
Well Im about to bid my heart good-bye!
Yeah, we found love on the auction block
An I hauled her heart away
Now we still love to laugh about
The way we met that day
When I said, hey, pretty lady, woncha gime a sign
Id give anything to make you mine all mine
Ill do your biddin an be at your beckon call
Yeah, I never seen anyone lookin so fine
Man, I gotta have her, shes a one-of-a-kind
Im goin once, goin twice,
Im sold! on the lady in the second row
Shes an eight, shes a nine, shes a ten, I know
Shess got ruby red lips, blond hair blue eyes
An Im about to bid my heart good-bye!

Oh, I love him so much!! =)
Alright, I'm off to a meeting....
I'm Sold - By John Michael Montgomery
Well I went down to the grundy county auction
Where I saw something I just had to have
My mind told me I should proceed with caution
But my heart said, "go ahead an make a bid on that!"
An I said, hey, pretty lady, woncha gime a sign
Id give anything to make you mine all mine
Ill do your biddin an be at your beckon call
Yeah, I never seen anyone lookin so fine
Man, I gotta have her, shes a one-of-a-kind
Im goin once, goin twice,
Im sold! on the lady in the second row
Shes an eight, shes a nine, shes a ten, I know
Shes got ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
An Im about to bid my heart good-bye!
Well, the auctioneer was goin about a mile a minute
He was takin bids an callin them out loud
An I guess I was really gettin in it
cause I just shouted out above the crowd!
An I said, hey, pretty lady, woncha gime a sign
Id give anything to make you mine all mine
Ill do your biddin an be at your beckon call
Yeah, I never seen anyone lookin so fine
Man, I gotta have her, shes a one-of-a-kind
Im goin once, goin twice,
Im sold! on the lady in the long black dress
Well she won my heart it was no contest
With her ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
Well Im about to bid my heart good-bye!
Yeah, we found love on the auction block
An I hauled her heart away
Now we still love to laugh about
The way we met that day
When I said, hey, pretty lady, woncha gime a sign
Id give anything to make you mine all mine
Ill do your biddin an be at your beckon call
Yeah, I never seen anyone lookin so fine
Man, I gotta have her, shes a one-of-a-kind
Im goin once, goin twice,
Im sold! on the lady in the second row
Shes an eight, shes a nine, shes a ten, I know
Shess got ruby red lips, blond hair blue eyes
An Im about to bid my heart good-bye!

Oh, I love him so much!! =)
Alright, I'm off to a meeting....
I'm feeling a little blue today - I don't really know quite why, either. Last night Chris and I got into a teeny tiny argument about being on the internet, and then he said a few shots towards me, like ones that he knows are going to hurt/bother me...and that kinda hurt my feelings, so I went upstairs and laid on the couch up there and just kinda had some time to myself. Then he came upstairs and said "So, you're up here pouting now?" and I wasn't, I told him it was just a peaceful place to come and lay, and then a few minutes later - he came and slapped the couch and sat back on the computer, and after a few more minutes - It all kind of resolved on its own and he was talking to me like normal, but I just don't like that feeling. Now we are fine, and the morning was normal, but it just drives me crazy. That was the first even little tiff, since our whole ordeal last month. Now i'm just gun shy or should I say, fight shy of fighting ... cuz of our past and what it lead to. Oh, and that's another thing - when he was saying his few little hurtful shots towards me, he said "It's like we're getting and going back into the way things were before, fighting (when we just about broke up a month ago).
Who knows - I never know anymore. I need to quite thinking about it, as I'm sure everything is fine... we were online later and he was saying to a friend of mine from high school that there isn't a morning that he doesn't wake up and isn't happy to see me, and his life has gotten so much better since he's moved to the cities, and all this stuff... so I'm hoping that was just one of those "stupid" or so they say, arguments.... Everyone has those, right?
I hope so.
Who knows - I never know anymore. I need to quite thinking about it, as I'm sure everything is fine... we were online later and he was saying to a friend of mine from high school that there isn't a morning that he doesn't wake up and isn't happy to see me, and his life has gotten so much better since he's moved to the cities, and all this stuff... so I'm hoping that was just one of those "stupid" or so they say, arguments.... Everyone has those, right?
I hope so.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
You can't hide beautiful
She says don't stare at me
She's afraid that I might see
Those 5 extra pounds she talks about
I don't know what she's talking about
She looks through magazines
With every page she dreams of
Looking like somebody else
I wish she wasn't so hard on herself
Then she falls asleep with just my t-shirt on
But even when her hair's messed up and her make-up's gone
You can't hide Beautiful
You can't hide wonderful
There's nothing that she has to do
It just comes natural
She makes it look easy
I love what she does to me
No way to disguise
The way that she shines
You can't hide beautiful
She can take a simple dress
Put it on and turn some heads
Everytime she moves she gets me
She doesn't even know she's sexy
And the way she thinks sometimes
Out of nowhere blows my mind
She makes me laugh and makes me dream
I love the way she looks at things
A little piece of heaven god gave to this world
She might think she's just an ordinary girl
You can't hide Beautiful
You can't hide wonderful
There's nothing that she has to do
It just comes natural
She makes it look easy
I love what she does to me
No way to disguise
The way that she shines
You can't hide beautiful
I don't know why I thought of this song today - but I did ... and I love it. It used to be my favorite song, back in high school a few years ago, but it's re entered my life again - and I'm thinking I should start listening to it again. It really brings out what I think of myself, versus what my boyfriend thinks of me. It's hard, really hard to open up so much - but I know I need to, and I'm slowly getting better at it, but it's a super duper slow process! I'm sure I'm not the only one going through that ... It's a girl thing I think, and half the men out there don't understand it!
On another note - men... a co worker of mine was telling me that her boyfriend and her had been having their differences lately, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to be together anymore - so he told her he wanted a few days to think about it. Well - she came in this morning and said he broke up with her last night. My heart just goes out to her. I know exactly what she's going through, and it hurts so bad. You feel like your world is crashing down on you, and you don't know where to go or what to do. She started getting teary eyed and sad when she was talking and just said, "I can't live with out him". I just want to give her a big hug. I told her give it 3 days. The 3rd is always the hardest, and then it seems like you get past that lump and it's on its way back to normal. It's a super slow process, I know - but at least it's a process of bettering yourself. The grass is greener on the other side - even though you don't feel it now - which I understand completely considering I just went through a similar situation. It is better, and it will get better. Men are great wonderful things - but damn, sometimes they just don't have any brains. I respect their want and right to break up if their feelings change - but sometimes it seems they are having "changed feelings" more than any love. Hmm. We'll have to figure that one out.
My life is going pretty well at the moment. Now to prepare you for this story - Chris's occupation is a CNC Machinist at a machine shop. There was a position open for a CNC Machinist Supervisor, and he was thinking of applying, but wasn't sure of where the process was at or if he should apply.
I got home yesterday, and Chris said - go look in my back pants pocket - I have some bad news. Well, part of me gets nervous but then the other part of me gets like "oh he's just being stupid, when he says it something bad, that means its something good". So I don't particularily get "worried" until I actually read when he wants me to read, or listen to what he's going to say. So, I went and got the piece of paper out of his pants. In the mean time - he is acting all down and upset, to get me worried. I open up the piece of paper and it says .. "CNC Machinist Supervisor". His supervisor confronted him yesterday and offered him the position. Today is going to accept, and effective today he will be CNC Supervisor. I'm so proud of him!
That's it for now - for some of you ... there is a bunch of stories and private interviews with Clayton Keister on WCCO. They are pretty interesting, yet - drive me crazy, and are hurtful. Here it is.
Be back later for more.... Everyone have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My mom is fine - she left work, in a rage ... and went to see the new baby in the family!
Well - I'm a little worried right now. I don't really talk about this much, as I'm not sure who wants to know these things or not ... but ... Back in October of 2005, there was a murder in Hastings MN at an Auto Glass shop and two parents were killed, and it ended up being the son and his friend who committed the crime. Well, long story short ... this couple was my aunt and uncle and my cousin Matt and his friend Clayton. Some of you may have seen all the news reports, and/or the one especially from last night on WCCO Channel 4. If anyone wants to know more detail, and they remember it happening back in October, feel free to ask any questions. I'm just posting about it today because my mom called me here at work bawling and saying how upset she was about the news report last night, and that she just can't handle this anymore and that she feels like the walls are closing in around her. She said she had to leave work, and just get away. Well, that worries me enough ... now, my dad just called me and said she won't answer any of her phones and he's worried about her. So, he is calling her supervisor. Ahh.. Why do such stupid things like this have to happen. My cousin Matt and his friend Clayton are now in the St. Cloud Prison and serving 30 yrs, and after the 30 yrs are up - they face a chance of parole. For those of you who did not see the report on WCCO .. It is on their website .. and go to the video part, and you'll see a picture of Clayton.
Wish me luck... I hate worrying about my mom.
On an up note ... I'm having a good day, otherwise.
Wish me luck... I hate worrying about my mom.
On an up note ... I'm having a good day, otherwise.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Quote of the day
"I tried and it didn't work" is a lot better than "I wish I'd tried".
Happy May...
...and Happy Monday!
This is quick - it's time to start work.
My weekend consisted of:
-Watching a movie
-Planting 800 trees
-Taking a nap
-Driving alot
Okay, it was a pretty good relaxing, rainy, very enjoyable, love to do it over again, weekend ... (minus the tree planting part though!)
Off to work, be back later for more ... maybe i'll have something more interesting to blog about.
This is quick - it's time to start work.
My weekend consisted of:
-Watching a movie
-Planting 800 trees
-Taking a nap
-Driving alot
Okay, it was a pretty good relaxing, rainy, very enjoyable, love to do it over again, weekend ... (minus the tree planting part though!)
Off to work, be back later for more ... maybe i'll have something more interesting to blog about.
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