Monday, August 14, 2006
My flippin horoscope for the day....
Here is the couples love one.... good god, I really am starting to believe in these things.
The two of you may be so diametrically opposed about an issue that the hope of ever meeting in the middle seems slight. Perhaps some mediation is in order? A compromise really is possible.
Regular Horoscope...
Quickie: Focus on someone important in your life. You've got so much happening in your life that quieter types might get lost in the shuffle. Make sure they know how important they are to you, and spend some time with them.
Extended Overview:

The speeding racecar that is your life is about to hit a big, blinking red light. Something unexpected is going to happen today that forces you to stop in your tracks and take a long, slow look at where you are in life. Get ready to reassess your goals. It could be something as simple as a new person coming in to your life or as major as a flat tire on the freeway. Whatever it is, it is meant to be -- so approach it with flexibility and an open mind. Everything happens for a reason.
I'm in for a ride - a long one I think.....
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