Friday, June 23, 2006

phone conversation

I hadn't heard from Chris for since this morning before he left for work. Usually I talk to him twice a day, and on Fridays when he gets done with work. Today is friday. 11:30 - no call from Chris. I call, no answer. 1:30 - no call from Chris. I call, he answers. Oh, it's you - I wouldn't have answer if I knew.

That conversation led to a little more of last night and he said he is sick of me acting this way, and I was that way a week ago, and then pretty much all nights before that (he was exaggerating). I explain that we have alot of emotions going on right now - but I didn't get an agreement. We were behind on our energy bill (we never rec'd bills in the mail and kinda forgot about it) and rec'd a notice in the mail. $150 had to be paid right within 4 days, or no power. The next $150 would have to be paid in two weeks. Being, I didn't have the $150 right now cause I just paid insurance - he had to pay it. This to Chris, is frustrating. I know he has alot to pay for, and I often don't see that. I see him as having "tons" more money than I do - when in reality - he has "tons" more payments/bills than I do. I admit, sometimes I took it for granted. So, he had to come up with that $150 without even thinking about it, and he has his bills too. I said I would pay the next one in two weeks. He said, but you don't understand, where I'm coming from... "You have 2 weeks to come up with that $150 ... I don't, I had 4 days." and I replied with, "Yes, and you had 4 days..." Click. He hung up. Clearly he didn't understand what I was saying. I was saying, "Yes, and you had 4 days" .. like, yes, I understand why you were mad - you only had 4 days. But, I have yet to get that across to him -because he won't answer my calls or texts.

He just sent me a text back after I sent him one saying "Alright I'll leave you alone. Call me at work, or we'll chat when I get home."... and his reply was... Leave me alone, I'm busy!


pdlhbttk. pglhbfaffwihd. ias,imh. s.b.



Okay. Chris had to grow up and be an adult during your past situation. Remember where your relationship was before you found out?

Don't want to be a downer--but you do have to remember you two were on the verge of splitsville. This is going to be a working relationship. I wish you the best, cause it will be hard. On BOTH OF YOU. I love you and am here for you.

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