Thursday, June 08, 2006

Good Morning!


Yes, I'm happy it's Thursday.... :)

I don't really have a whole lot to write about .... although I started a Pregnancy Journal online, and wrote a bit in there. I'll copy and past what I wrote there yesterday - so I don't have to retype the whole thing!

Here it is:

Mood: Exhausted

Good Afternoon Everyone - Well - I just had a nice long entry and it got erased on me somehow. Grrr... I hate when that happens. I'm going to start using this site (I hope the link works) now as an updating helper, and especially for the people I don't talk with on a regular basis. I will try to update every few days, and for sure weekly. Or, when and if I need to - if something changes.

As for right now - I had an ultrasound last friday June 2nd, and it went great. We were able to hear and see the heartbeat - which was a huge relief!! Also I had various bloodwork and such. I had a call this morning from the clinic letting me know that my doctor looked over my bloodwork and ultrasound info and she said everything looks great and the baby is the correct size - although they moved my due date back 2 days - to January 20th, vs. January 18th. Only two days, not a huge deal. She also informed me that I have Rh A Negative blood - long story short - this leads to Rh Disease, which is where if the mother is negative and the baby is positive, that later in the pregnancy the mother can reject the babies blood and which could lead to other problems, however if you receive a shot of Rhogam at 28 weeks, this limits your chances of any complications - and you also receive another shot of that right after you give birth, to prevent future problems for future children... They say the first pregnancy there are very rarely any problems. Phew! This scared me a little at first, but after checking online about it and researching it, it seems as though very very few women have to worry about this affecting their pregnancy. I found a good site that tells alot about it - here it is. Check it out for yourself!

Now the only strange question... How on earth can I have A Negative blood when my Mom is B Positive and My Dad is O positive...... They are both my parents, I know they are!!! haha! My dad is probably wrong with his - he'll find out tomorrow.

Alright well that's it for now - I'll probably be back in a few days, if not for sure next week. Btw, my turn around days are Fridays. So this friday July 9th, I will be 8 weeks and 1 day.

Events/Milestones: Heard baby's heartbeat;
Music/Sounds: Listening to the Radio....


So that was my post ... Not much new after that. I slept really good last night - is that something interesting?!! I also, am enjoying this awesome weather out there. Dang!

Plans for this weekend.... Hmm... Going up north to visit his family, and... go fishing!! Exciting! :)

Lots of love, Be back later....

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